How to Prepare for an Ablation

An ablation is a surgery that removes body tissue. Once your ablation has been discussed, it is wise to consider some shared risk factors which you may control. The following shared risk factors are important to consider before your ablation.
- Be keen on risk factors – Before having your ablation it is good to limit alcohol and shed off some extra pounds. This should be done slowly and over time. It is advisable to plan ahead instead of working on your risk factor just weeks before the procedure.
- Evade certain medication – Six weeks prior to the ablation, avoid taking any medication that might increase the threat of bleeding i.e. aspirin. Your doctor can also advise you on how to go about stopping medications prior to your procedure.
- Watch your diet and keep a healthy lifestyle – Months before your ablation, start a new regular workout regime, drink less and stop smoking. Minimize on fast foods and carbonated drinks and eat lots of vegetables. All of these are healthy lifestyle choices that will help your body after your ablation. However, if you were not exercising before, consider doing it moderately.
A healthy body recovers well after an ablation, and with the above factors in mind you can control and increase your health.
How to prepare for various forms of ablation
How to prepare for cardiac ablation
Cardiac ablation is a procedure that scars minor areas in the heart which might intricate in the hearts rhythm’s problems.
Your doctor will assess you and can order a number of tests to assess your heart condition. Your doctor will also discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure. Don’t eat or drink about six to eight hours prior to the procedure. If you are on any medications, inform your doctor on whether to continue using them. In some instances, your doctor might ask you to cease taking heart arrhythmia medication. If you have any implanted heart device i.e. a peacemaker inform your doctor. He or she might be required to use special precautions.
How to prepare for endometrial ablation
Endometrial ablation is a procedure for women that have menorrhagia (heavy periods). A large part of the uterus lining will be destroyed in this procedure. The various methods of doing this include sing radiofrequency waves, heated water or electrical currents.
Eight hours before your procedure, the doctor will request you not to eat or drink. If you are a smoker, the doctor will request you to stop. Smoking increases the risk of contracting chest infections that may slow the recovery. Inform your doctor of any bleeding disorder you have ever had. Tell the doctor about any medication you are using including herbal supplements, over-the-counter drugs or prescriptions. If there are any allergic reactions to latex, anesthetic drugs, medicines or tape, make sure he or she knows about them. Six weeks prior to your operation you can be prescribed naferelin or goserelin by your surgeon. These medicines help make the treatment effective and minimize complications. These medicines may cause side effects, but your doctor will discuss them with you. The procedure might be done just after the end of your period, because this is when the uterus lining is thinnest.
How to prepare for transcatheter ablation
This is a very effective way for atrial fibrillation treatment recalcitrant to antiarrhythmic medication. Atrial fibrillation ablation controls sinus rhythm resulting to subsequent minimization of AF-associated thromboembolic events and symptoms.
Radio frequency which is undertaken by inserting an electrode catheter through the blood vessel in electrophysiologic studies helps to carry out targeted electrocautery in your heart.
Before the surgery inform the doctor of any medication been taken. Allergies to any drugs or anesthesia should be reported to the doctor. Don’t eat or drink after midnight on the night following your surgery.
How to prepare for catheter ablation
This procedure uses radiofrequency energy. This energy destroys a small section of the heart’s muscles that cause rapid and uneven heartbeats, restoring the heart’s normal rhythm. A flexible tube may be inserted through your blood vessel in the neck or leg. It helps people who may develop cardiac arrhythmias i.e. wolff-parkinson-white syndrome, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardias and atrial flutter. At its radiofrequency ablation nature, it is known as a radiofrequency catheter.
Before you undergo a catheter ablation, the doctor will assess one's medical history, perform a physical exam and suggest procedures and tests. The doctor must know of any drugs that you are taking. Some drugs may interfere with the procedure. Your doctor will advise when to cease using them prior to catheter ablation. The doctor can also ask if you have a kidney ailment, diabetes or any other condition. If you have any of these conditions, the doctor may be required to take further steps during the procedure to evade complications. If you are pregnant, inform your doctor.
Test that may be performed prior to catheter ablation include:
- An electrocardiogram to record how fast the heart is pounding and whether it has a steady or irregular rhythm. Also recorded are the electrical timings and strengths of the electrical signal passing through one's heart.
- Echocardiography is a test which uses sound waves for creating moving images of your heart. The pictures depict the heart’s size and shape. The pictures also depict how well the heart’s valves and chambers are working.
- Stress testing works well when the heart works hard and pounds fast. You workout during the test, making the heart work hard. If you are unable to workout, medicine can be administered to raise your heart rate.
How to prepare for surgical ablation
This procedure comprises cutting into the chest. It is mostly used on people with atrial fibrillation, a form of uneven heartbeat. A number of people with atrial fibrillation may undergo keyhole surgery. This allows your doctor to make a few incisions instead of the bigger ones made during open-heart surgery. A video camera is normally inserted into the chest. It guides in forming scar tissue, which should help maintain the heartbeat.
During preparation various routine tests might be needed such as blood tests, X-rays, transesophageal echocardiograms and an ECG by your doctor. Your doctor will also review your medical history and an examination will be conducted. You shall be asked not to drink or eat after midnight before the procedure. You will be advised on stopping or continuing any drugs that you are using. Inform your doctor of any health alterations before the procedure.
How to prepare for endovenous ablation
This is also known as varicose vein treatment. This procedure uses laser energy or radiofrequency to cauterize then close the varicose veins in your legs. It is commonly used to aid or alleviate associated symptoms like swelling, discoloration, skin irritation and aching.
Prior to the surgery, inform your doctor of any recent medical conditions, medications, illness and allergies you have experienced. Inform your doctor of any other important issues in your life as well. Some days before the procedure, your doctor might advise you to stop using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, blood thinners or aspirin. Don’t wear jewelry and put on loose clothes on the day of the procedure.