If I Have Hemorrhoids Do I Need a Colonoscopy?

Hemorrhoids are caused when the veins in the rectum just above the anus get blocked due to external pressure. This causes obstructions in the blood flow and also leads to swelling of the veins. Hemorrhoids are classified as internal hemorrhoids, which are within the anal canal, and external hemorrhoids, which are under the skin just outside of the anus. Hemorrhoids can affect both men and women. While not life-threatening, hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable and even quite painful. Further complications like thrombosis and infection can occur if left untreated.
What Causes Hemorrhoids?
- Constipation - The number one cause of hemorrhoids is constipation. The straining during bowel movements exerts a lot of pressure on the veins in the rectum.
- Excessive sitting - Sitting for long periods of time, including on the toilet, can also cause hemorrhoids.
- Anal intercourse - The act can often put a lot of strain on the anal canal.
- Diarrhea - Hemorrhoids can be caused by chronic diarrhea
- Pregnancy - The excessive pressure on the lower abdomen during pregnancy can lead to hemorrhoids.
- Obesity - Overweight people often suffer from hemorrhoids because of all the side effects that excess weight can have the body and digestion.
- Low-fiber diet - A poor diet affects digestion and stool formation.
What Is a Colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that involves the examination of the colon. The procedure is done using a colonoscope. A colonoscope is long flexible tool with a light at one end that is used in the procedure. The colonoscope is inserted into the colon and examines the colon for any abnormalities. The procedure can be used to diagnose hemorrhoids, but is not usually used for this purpose. Instead, it is used to check for the presence of polyps, cancer, and ulcers. However, if you go to the doctor to test for hemorrhoids, you may be advised to undergo a colonoscopy procedure.
Who Exactly Needs a Colonoscopy?
First, if you are only testing for hemorrhoids you will not necessarily need a colonoscopy. However, you will need to undergo a colonoscopy if you are testing for hemorrhoids and you also fit into the following criteria:
- You are over 50 years old and have not had a colonoscopy in the last 10 years.
- You have a family history of colon cancer, polyps, or other colon conditions.
Generally, even healthy individuals are advised to take a colonoscopy at 50. Colonoscopies will then be performed every 10 years after the initial procedure. For younger people who suspect they have hemorrhoids, if they do not have a family history of colon diseases, then there are several other diagnosis options. These include:
Physical Examination
A physical examination of the anus. For this examination, your doctor will use his finger and a lubricated glove. The doctor simply inserts their finger into the anus and feels for any abnormalities.
A photoscopy is a procedure similar to a colonoscopy, except that it involves the examination of the rectum. Physical examinations are not very accurate since some hemorrhoids are too small to be felt by the human finger. A photoscopy test involves the visual examination of the rectum to check for any abnormalities.
A sigmoidoscopy, while similar to a colonoscopy, is a procedure that uses a shorter tube called a sigmoidoscope. The sigmoidoscope is used to examine the lining of the rectum and the lower part of the colon, known as the sigmoid colon. This procedure allows the doctor to get a clear view of the anal canal and can help to get a closer look at the hemorrhoid.
Barium Enema X-Ray
Barium is a radiocontrast agent. A solution containing barium sulfate will be inserted into the rectum. This solution highlights certain parts of the colon when the X-ray is taken. From the X-ray images, the doctor is able to make a diagnosis for hemorrhoids.
When going for an examination to determine whether or not you have hemorrhoids, it is important to inform your doctor of any symptoms you may be experiencing. It is also important to inform them if anyone else in your family has ever been diagnosed with a colon disease. If you are over 50 years of age, inform your doctor of when you had your last colonoscopy. If you have never had a colonoscopy, you will be advised to do so. It is imperative that you visit your doctor for a medical examination as soon as you notice any of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This will allow you to start treatment of the condition before it can develop any further. Some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
- Pain in the anus during bowel movements
- Pain in the anus when sitting
- Itchiness in the anal region
- Blood in stool
- Mucus in the stool
- Burning sensation while passing stools
- The presence of lumps in the anus or around the anal opening
Blood in stool can be noted by redness on tissue paper after wiping or in the toilet bowl. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should go for an examination to confirm whether you are suffering from hemorrhoids or another disease. You may be tempted to self-treat the condition because it seems to be a cheaper option. The problem with self-treating is that you may misdiagnose your condition. You may also treat the hemorrhoids incorrectly, and this may cause them to develop into more painful hemorrhoids.
Schedule an appointment with your doctor to determine if you are suffering with hemorrhoids. If your doctor suggests a colonoscopy during your visit, there is no need to panic. This advice does not automatically mean that you have colon cancer. It is simply a precautionary measure to rule out any serious conditions. It is always better to know for sure and take the relevant action than to be ignorant until it is too late. As mentioned earlier, a colonoscopy can also help to diagnose conditions like polyps, ulcers, and even benign tumors. Once your doctor is well equipped with all the information he or she requires, they can then proceed on the right course of action for your particular condition. Stay informed and stay healthy.