Reasons Why You Need an Appendectomy
Appendicitis is a medical condition whereby the appendix experiences inflammation. When walls of the appendix are subjected to any infection from the body, they start to swell. This swelling may result in bursting of the appendix.
Symptoms of Appendicitis
Before you reach the extent of seeking treatment for any illness, you begin by identifying the fact that you are experiencing an illness or a disorder.
Nothing helps better in the identification of appendicitis than its signs and symptoms. In appendicitis cases, experiencing the symptoms can be a very painful and uncomfortable experience that could be fatal if ignored. Here are some of the classic signs and symptoms of appendicitis;
- Experiencing of mild fever accompanied by chills
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Severe pain in the stomach. This pain occurs suddenly with no earlier signs. Mostly on the lower part.
- Nausea
- Urge for bowel movements to ease discomfort
- Constipation
- Increased body temperature
- Farting becomes a challenge
- Swelling of the stomach
Due to the fact that the symptoms could be a threat to life if ignored or when taken lightly, treatment should be sort as early as where you start experiencing the symptoms. Early treatment prevents further complications and worsening of the condition.
However relying on signs and symptoms to know whether you are experiencing appendicitis is rather a tricky affair. Whereas some individuals may have appendicitis symptoms that are not common, others may not experience any signs or symptoms at all. These make up at least half of appendicitis patients.
Symptoms of Appendicitis may be confused with the following disorders. As such, a thorough diagnosis should be made.
- Presence of parasites inside the appendix or growths
- Injury that occurs in the abdominal region
- Inflammatory diseases of the bowel
- Constipation
- Stomach lesions
Why the Need for Appendectomy?
An appendectomy is the major remedy for appendicitis. It works more like pruning in the field of agriculture. If a leaf is infected, it is pruned immediately lest it spreads the infection to other leafs. Furthermore, there are other leafs which could carry the same function as the leaf. In appendix case, its functions are not that significant.
On experiencing the associated signs and symptoms mentioned above, seek medical help right away. As a precaution, laxatives or heating pads should be avoided. Other home remedies that are used to ease the symptoms should be kept away from.
In most instances a pain around the belly button is experienced first. This pain may progress into your abdomen especially on the lower right part where it is focused. Initial it is very sharp and severe and as such, the need for the remedy procedure, appendectomy.
But this procedure will not be administered to you immediately you report to your doctor you are experiencing the signs and symptoms. A series of examinations have to be undertaken on your abdomen and rectum. The doctor checks for tenderness over your abdomen especially on a spot known as McBurney’s point. This spot is located on the lower right side of your belly.
Along these examinations, the following texts are also carried out on you;
- Blood testing- The blood test is done along with a count of the white blood cells to check for presence of infection. A lot of white blood cells are an indication that there is an infection in the body.
- Urine test- Presence of infection in the body may be displayed in your urine. As such, the doctor undertakes to test the urine for such infection.
- Is the diagnosis is doubtful or not very clear, an ultrasound or CT scan may be necessary just to be sure that the cause of the problem is actually the appendix
Appendicitis is a disorder which has no definite or specific tests to establish its presence. Many other health conditions have symptoms that are very similar and therefore to distinguish appendicitis becomes somewhat of a challenge.
Basically the major reason for carrying out the removal of the appendix, appendectomy, is to eliminate the infected appendix before it bursts open releasing its content to organs that are located near it. These content carry the infection and easily infect the healthy body part upon the bursting.
Only your doctor or surgeon is able to determine whether surgery is necessary for you upon administration of medical tests and physical exam.
Another thing that may drive you to visit the nearest hospital for the appendectomy surgery to be carried out is the challenge appendicitis poses when it comes feeding habits. A human aspect that most human cannot do without is eating.
When experiencing appendicitis, nausea and vomiting put a lot hindrance on normal feeding habits. Your appetite is significantly reduced making eating feel like a task you rather not undertake. Additionally, lack of the feeding means that diet is ignored. This can be very dangerous when it comes to your health.
On the challenge experienced while trying to pass out gas, this may be an indication of obstruction of the bowel. All these challenges when it comes to the digestive system can trace their root to the appendicitis problem. To get back to your normal feeding habits, appendectomy may be necessary.
Bottom Line
If you are experiencing appendicitis, it is very important that you get it resolved as quickly as possible. It is often resolved through a surgical operation to remove the appendix known appendectomy. Appendectomy is important in that it prevent the worsening of appendicitis.
If appendicitis is left without treatment, it is more likely that the appendix will rupture. The appendicitis is usually as a result of an infection in the appendix. On bursting open, the infection spreads to other body part which leads to further health complications.
It will be really not in the human nature for you to ignore an appendectomy once you have appendicitis. From the danger it poses if it is not resolved, many will have the operation undertaken as soon as possible. The uncomfortable signs and symptoms will further push you to have the appendectomy done on you.