Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes

There are many ways that you can treat type 2 diabetes. The ultimate aim is to keep the blood glucose levels to normal or near normal. Of course, one of the obvious way is to make sure that you live a healthy and productive life. Type 2 diabetes is caused mostly from obesity and lack of exercise. So many people that think that type 2 diabetes can be cured with a simple pill are wrong. It is mostly about changing your life style and living a better life. Now, there are pills and insulin injections but if you want a natural way to combat type 2 diabetes, the answer is to change your lifestyle. This would involve eating healthy food, losing weight, and also focus on exercising regularly. So let’s take a look at some of the most common ways to combat type 2 diabetes without pills and insulin injections.
One of the key factors to controlling type 2 diabetes is the diet. A good diet would include fresh fruit and vegetables along with whole grains. You should also add beans, lean meats, and low-fat dairy. Focus on eating fruits and non-starchy vegetables. Some of these vegetables include:
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Lettuce
The above diet is high in fiber content and very low glycemic index. It is important to be careful about eating foods high on the glycemic index. The glycemic index is a system that ranks food on how they will affect glucose levels. Some of these foods like white breads, rice, and soda have a high glycemic index level. These foods raise the blood sugar very quickly. An obvious choice would be to limit fast foods as they are typically unhealthy. People who eat fast food typically are more prone to develop diabetes than people who do not eat them as often.low glycemic index. It is important to be careful about eating foods high on the glycemic index. The glycemic index is a system that ranks food on how they will affect glucose levels. Some of these foods like white breads, rice, and soda have a high glycemic index level. These foods raise the blood sugar very quickly. An obvious choice would be to limit fast foods as they are typically unhealthy. People who eat fast food typically are more prone to develop diabetes than people who do not eat them as often.
Fast foods happen to have a higher fat content which makes management of type 2 diabetes quite difficult. You should take care to include in your diet foods that are low in fat like using vegetable oil and low fat spreads in place of butter. Opt for steaming or grilling your food instead of frying or roasting.
You should also try and restrict your sugar intake.
It is good to exercise as it keeps the body in good shape and the body is able to function more properly. If you can exercise more frequently it is good for the overall health. People who have fat in their belly are more prone to type 2 diabetes than people who do not have as much fat in their belly. This may sound very strange but it is true. So experts say that intense exercise is better as it will burn more calories. This will help keep blood sugar levels to almost a normal level. Intense exercises include running or playing a game weekly. In case such intense activity is not possible you should take up walking or cycling regularly. Exercises to work out all the muscles will help too. The main aim is to keep increasing your physical activity on a daily basis and keep yourself active. This will also help in losing weight and maintaining your body weight. This, in turn, will greatly help in managing the type 2 diabetes in the long run.
Following a strict diet as mentioned above and exercising regularly can help maintain your blood glucose to the desired level. But if the level is still high after a few months then medication also becomes necessary. In this case only lifestyle changes may not work.
Many people do not get enough sleep or have problems sleeping. One of the most common conditions of having type 2 diabetes is having sleep apnea. This is a condition in which a person stops breathing while sleeping for a short period of time. People with this condition are at higher risk of a heart attack or stroke. Blood sugar levels fluctuate dramatically when sleeping for people who have type 2 diabetes. The fluctuations have been linked to a higher risk of complications arising from diabetes. If you have sleep apnea you tend to snore loudly, feel sleepy during daytime, have frequent headaches, and generally feel tired throughout the day. Lack of proper sleep can lead to insulin resistance. Those who sleep less can also gain weight which is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes.
If you have a mild sleep apnea, little changes in your lifestyle can do wonders. Follow a strict diet and exercise to lose weight which will help keep the pressure off the neck while sleeping and your throat is no longer blocked. Sleeping on the side also helps.
Sleep apnea should be diagnosed and treated promptly to improve the blood sugar levels and sleep quality. A good night’s sleep is as important as a healthy diet. It is best to avoid alcohol and caffeine at night. Block out all lights and create an environment conducive to good sleep. Make sure that all noise is blocked. Go to bed at the same time every night so that the body gets used to the routine. Sleeping well is a must as it promotes good health and reduces stress.
Stress is not good for anyone in general. It makes people feel nervous and is not good for the human body. Stress can make blood sugar levels hard to control, so it is best to try relaxation techniques to get stress away. Some people use yoga, tai chi, meditation, and soothing music to help relieve stress. Stress can also cause problems with sleeping as explained earlier.
Once the stress that causes sleep interruptions is removed, it becomes easier to control the blood sugar levels.
The Bottom Line
Type 2 diabetes can be treated, it just takes some effort from the person to do so. It is important to remember that diabetes is not curable however it is important to treat it and manage it, so that you can live healthy and long lives.
It is crucial that you go to a doctor to get a proper treatment procedure underway.