Healthy Living

Natural Approaches to Add to Cystic Fibrosis Treatment

Cystic Fibrosis Treatment
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Natural Approaches to Add to Cystic Fibrosis Treatment

People with cystic fibrosis take many medications and have technologically specialized devices designed to help them fight the symptoms of their disease.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean the limits of CF treatment should end there.

There are alternative therapies out there which have benefited many people with cystic fibrosis or other respiratory ailments by using natural and alternative methods.

Read on for several natural therapies people use to help manage their cystic fibrosis.

Remember to speak with your doctor before implementing any lifestyle changes or treatment methods.

Regarding any alternative therapy

A word of caution before we discuss the following therapies. What works for one person will not always work for another, especially when there has not been much scientific scrutiny.

If you decide to try any of the following methods of managing your cystic fibrosis symptoms, pay close attention to how it makes you feel, not only during the therapy, but afterward as well.

Please also remember to discuss any of the following options with your doctor before committing to them. It may be beneficial to also discuss the results of the therapies with your doctor after the fact.

He or she may have had other patients attempt the same techniques and therefore would be able to offer you advice. Or, if you have recommendations or warnings about your experiences, you can inform them of what you learned so they can better help their other patients.

Examples of some alternative therapies

Alternative therapies are no substitute for scientifically proven treatments. However, when pursued intelligently, they may work alongside your other treatments to improve your quality of life more than any one therapy alone.

People use yoga for many things. It could be to increase their mobility, as a weight control technique, or even merely as a social activity. But it may have its uses in helping to manage the effects of cystic fibrosis, where breathing can be directly benefited.

Salt therapy has also been experimented when it comes to cystic fibrosis. Since people with CF have difficult and thick mucus, it is thought that being by the ocean and partaking in salt therapy, or halotherapy, can help dry out the mucus. There are even salt inhalers available for use in the home.

Turmeric has been making the news lately as a productive addition to any diet. It is anti-inflammatory, and it has also been found to correct the defects to CFTR protein production caused by many forms of cystic fibrosis. Of course, turmeric cannot cure cystic fibrosis, but including it in the diet may be helpful. Speak with your doctor to decide if taking turmeric supplements would be more beneficial than naturally including it in the foods you eat. 

Read on to learn more about yoga, salt therapy, and turmeric for cystic fibrosis treatment supplementation.