Home Remedies for Blood Blisters

Ice compress

Aloe vera gel

Turmeric powder

Cucumber juice

What Are blood blisters?
A blood blister is termed as a raised piece of skin that contains blood inside it. These blood blisters are not very different from the more common clear fluid-filled blisters. Blood blisters are generally harmless for most part, and they also go away within just a few weeks’ time without the need for any treatment. Apart from blood, a blood blister is also known to be filled with lymph fluids or other bodily fluids that get trapped beneath the skin. These red-colored, filled fluid bumps are very painful, even when they have been touched slightly by anyone or anything. Thus, if they get punctured, it can lead to oozing of a dark fluid from those bumps. In certain instances, the fluids may separate from the body, and then the blister would also dry up on its own. Once all the liquid is out and the blister is empty, it would leave a dead cell material just inside of the blister. The texture of this material is very similar to putty. Blood blisters, as with the name, are known to be caused due to something pinching the skin and do not break the skin’s surface.
The moment you come across a blister, you need not panic upon seeing the blood-filled blister. These blood blisters are quite a common occurrence and are usually caused because of some kind of skin injury. Most of the time, they are known to heal on their own, but the time would vary, wherein it can take days or even weeks to heal completely. The most important part healing.
Home Remedies for Treating Blood Blisters:
- Ice compresses: Before trying out anything else, an individual can first try applying ice to the blister. The individual can apply a pack of ice or ice compresses on the affected region. This ice pack can be wrapped in a towel and kept on the affected area for around ten to fifteen minutes. Gradually, the timing can then be increased to 30 minutes. This application of cold temperature would allow for the constriction of the blood vessels, which would in turn help to reduce the swelling on the affected region, thereby preventing any form of internal bleeding. Once you have applied it for the first time, remove the ice. The individual can apply the ice pack or give cold compresses multiple times a day the moment the affected area suffers an injury. Be sure not to apply ice directly on the skin, or else it can lead to instances of ice burn, which is another condition. Application of ice is one of the best home remedies, especially to remove blood blisters, which are known to be caused due to a burn or scalding.
- Use of aloe vera gel: Aloe vera is considered to be a soothing component for the skin, and in the case of any issues related to the skin. The individual can prepare juice made out of aloe vera or aloe vera gel, which is made from a fresh aloe vera plant itself. Aloe vera is widely known to contain a good amount of anti-inflammatory properties, thereby leading to a natural treatment method for blood blisters. Aloe vera is also known to contain naturally occurring phenolic compounds which are also called anthraquinones. This compound is said to be helpful for the blood to flush out any unnecessary waste material from these blisters. Directly applying fresh aloe vera is a simple method, for which the individual would need to simply break open the leaf of an aloe vera plant and then apply the fresh gel directly onto the blood blister. However, for best results, this should be done around four to five times on a daily basis until the blister is healed completely.
- Turmeric powder: Turmeric is a widely available spice in many households. It is known to contain a potent phytonutrient which is called curcumin. Turmeric is known to also contain anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in treating blood blisters in a natural way. Turmeric also has antiseptic properties that are helpful in the prevention of any possible infections occurring from the blood blisters. An individual can easily make a paste out of turmeric powder and then apply it on the affected skin region. Apart from blood blisters, turmeric is also widely known to heal other kinds of skin problems, which can include burns or any other form of regular blisters.
- Cucumber juice: Cucumber is one of the other known home remedies for treating blood blisters. Cucumber contains many nutrients that are very healthy for the skin overall, and those nutrients include vitamins K, C, and B1. Cucumber also has silica, which is known to provide strength to the connective tissues present in the skin. An individual can apply slices of cucumber around the blood blister. Apart from applying the slices, one can also drink one or two glasses of cucumber juice on a daily basis. This would prove to be very effective for the overall health of the body.
- Epsom salt: Epsom salt is basically magnesium sulfate in addition to certain other minerals. It helps in the detoxification of the skin, thereby reducing swelling and also lessening the pain caused due to the blister. The process of using Epsom salt is to dissolve one teaspoon of Epsom salt in one cup of warm water and then rinse the blister properly, in addition to the surrounding skin with the same water. This process should be repeated two to three times a day until the blister is healed completely.
- Lavender oil: Lavender oil is basically an essential oil that is known to sedate pain associated with these blisters. The use of this oil is also known to speed up the healing process for various types of skin ailments. The process of using lavender oil is to mix together around one to two drops of lavender oil with one to two drops of almond oil, then pour them onto a piece of gauze. This gauze should be placed on the blood blister and then secured properly. After an hour, remove it. This process should be carried out twice a day, and each time, be sure to use a fresh piece of gauze.
- Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is another famous home remedy for most skin ailments. Due to its mild acidic nature as well as its detoxifying compound, apple cider vinegar helps to speed up the process of healing for the blood blister. It is also known to contain antimicrobial action, which will prevent the blister from getting infected. The process of using apple cider vinegar is to dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar along with one teaspoon of water and then soak a cotton pad in it. Place this cotton pad over the blood blister and leave it for about ten to fifteen minutes. This process should be carried out twice a day.