Horse-Based Therapy Proves to Benefit Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Horse-Based Therapy Proves to Benefit Multiple Sclerosis Patients
A relatively novel therapy, horse therapy, also referred to as equine therapy or hippotherapy, is the process of doing specific exercises while either sitting on or riding a horse. These exercises build strength and balance to not only complete the functions, but to remain balanced on the horse. Horses are intuitive animals and are often able to work with the patient in a way that fits their needs.
An increasing number of horse riding academies are beginning to offer horse therapy, as they are beginning to see the positive effects it has on those with the functionality of many with severe health problems. Its most common use is for those with multiple sclerosis, ADD/ADHD, and severe autism, where is has seen the highest benefit. It is also of particular use to those who have experienced mild to severe strokes who have lost certain capacities that could be regained with the therapy.
The patient begins receiving the therapy and completing the exercises after attaining balance, after which the horse will start to walk. While the horse is walking, the motion of completing the therapy will acclimate the brain. The brain gets acclimatized to completing function while walking. Here instead of the patient the horse is walking. In this way the person gets prepared for basic walking movements if the person has not walked for a longer period of time.
The strength of a patient with multiple sclerosis can increase by using this therapy. It also increases trunk muscles, balance, immunity to infections, stamina, nerve stimulation and bladder problems. Horse therapy can sometimes restore partially atrophied muscles. As the brain reconnects to the sensation, the natural movement of horse will be beneficial for those patients with multiple sclerosis who are unable to walk. By sitting up, walking, standing will help in attaining balance. Horse therapy helps to alleviate physical pain and regain strength. Also the patient may endure emotional support by interacting with the horse. Many who undergo this therapy experience improved mood due to sense of physical well being. Also by interacting with the horse the patient feels a sense of calmness.
One of the biggest benefits is that those who prior to horse therapy could not walk were able to do so after the therapy. In other therapies it is difficult to find the redevelopment of these neural pathways. To those who have lost their ability of normal functioning get hope from this therapy as they see others regaining their skills.
The treatment needs to be administered constantly for those with multiple sclerosis. Also the treatment should be given for extended period. However for all patients with multiple sclerosis this therapy is not recommended. Those who fear large animals may experience fear or anxiety. Many trained professional are needed for this therapy to exist. The knowledge received by a normal therapist is from the equine therapist plus with the horses they are intensely trained and familiar. Finding an equine therapist is difficult but the benefits are enduring.
Before this therapy can be considered as medically sound it has a long way to go. Before the benefits are considered as conclusive more research must be completed. For many people horse therapy is not attainable since this therapy is not covered by the health insurance. The reason being that it is not regarded as any conventional therapy. Hence a high cost is associated if a patient wants to gain the benefits. Not many can afford this financial burden since already to them traditional treatment must have been costly.
Further to analyze the benefits a research was done. They compared the results of those who received standard care and those who received standard care along with hippotherapy. Improved fatigues, spasticity, balance and quality of life was seen in those who received hippotherapy along with standard care. However to make significant progress in this therapy more studies needs to be done. Till not many get access to this therapy it cannot be fully effective. Also the insurance companies should consider this treatment viable and cover it in their plan.