Healthy Living

Building a Survival Kit to Combat Rheumatoid Arthritis

survival kit combat rheumatoid arthritis

Building a Survival Kit to Combat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Living with rheumatoid arthritis can be incredibly debilitating, and at times it’s easy to feel completely lost while fighting the disease.

It can seem hopeless.

But there are some things you can do to make your life much easier.

Keep yourself social and supported

Doing things like socializing with friends will take your mind off of the condition and give you a more positive outlook. It is also important that you have someone you can talk to about how your feeling, how your treatments are going, etc. It will really help to have someone that can look out for you and cheer you up when the disease gets you down. You may also look for a RA support group near you. These groups will show you that you are not alone. If there isn’t a rheumatoid arthritis support group in your area, try finding one online!

Be proactive in your care and work together with your doctors

Finding a healthcare team that you can trust is essential, too. It is important that you find professionals that are well versed in your condition, are sympathetic and willing to work with you, and are receptive to your suggestions or concerns. Finding the right doctors will not only set you on the correct path to recovery, it will give you peace of mind knowing that you will have some control over the recovery process. Be honest and open with your doctors! It will make everything more clear, and fewer things will stand in the way of finding relief from your rheumatoid arthritis.

Exercise can help and not hurt

Many RA patients feel like they won't ever be able to exercise because of their condition. This is a bad mindset to have and can actually make your condition worse in the long run. Don’t assume you’ll never be active again! Instead, speak with your doctor to discover the best exercise routine for your unique symptoms and circumstances. Having stronger muscles and looser joints can really help relieve some of the pain and stiffness that comes with arthritis.

Keep your mental health in check

Many people with a chronic condition such as RA also suffer from feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression. Remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Speak with your doctor if you have any concerns.

Many patients fall into the trap of constantly worrying about what they are unable to do. This tends to make patients feel helpless and depressed. That is why it is so important to find or continue hobbies and interests that your truly enjoy.

Read on to discover things you can do to make your rheumatoid arthritis much more manageable. If you focus on following these steps, you will not only feel better mentally, but physically as well. With all the stress and chaos that comes with rheumatoid arthritis, patients often tend to forget the little things that can make them feel better. These things certainly won't cure you, and they won't make the pain and struggles go away, but they will certainly help raise your spirits and bring some happiness into a journey that is often filled with tons of stress and worry.