Membranous nephropathy develops when the glomeruli or small blood vessels in the kidney that filter wastes from our blood gets thickened and inflamed.
The protein leaks from the damaged blood vessels into the urine but for many people symptoms and signs known as nephritic syndrome develops because of the loss of proteins.
You can have long-term kidney problem as the protein leakage increases and may lead to kidney failure which is fatal.
There is still no cure for membranous nephropathy but there are medications and treatments that your physician may prescribe.
hyperlipidemia which is the elevated fat levels in the blood,
poor appetite,
decrease protein level in the blood especially the protein albumin,
proteinuria which is the increased protein levels in the urine.
If you suspect that you have this disease of if you see that you have blood in your urine, go see a doctor.
3 Causes
The exact cause of membranous nephropathy is unknown.
The autoantibodies will attack your own tissues because your immune system will mistake it for foreign tissue and these autoantibodies can damage your kidney’s filtering systems or the glomeruli.
Other causes may include infection with hepatitis B or hepatitis C or syphilis, autoimmune disease such as lupus erythematosus.
There are treatments and medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and gold salts. Along with other kidney diseases such as glomerulonephritis and diabetic nephropathy may also occur with membranous nephropathy.
4 Making a Diagnosis
If you feel you have membranous nephropathy visit your physician to receive a diagnosis. The doctor may refer you to a nephrologist that specializes in kidney problems. Bring your friend or one of the members of your family.
You can write down the questions that you want to ask your doctor:
Do I have a problem with my kidney?
Is it fatal?
How badly will they be affected?
What are the causes of this disease?
What kind of laboratory tests and exams do I need?
What medication do you recommend?
What treatment do you suggest?
Do I have other options?
What will be the possible side effects of these treatments and medications?
Make a list of all the vitamins, supplements, and medications that you are taking every day.
Your doctor may recommend some test like blood tests or creatinine blood tests so the doctor may check your kidney function, urinalysis, Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) test and Antinuclear antibody (ANA) test, glycosylated hemoglobin tests and Fasting blood sugar, a CT scan or ultrasound and kidney biopsy to identify what type of kidney disease you have.
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