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Dr. Rex L. Mahnensmith


Dr. Rex Mahnensmith is an internist practicing in Southington and Waterbury, Connecticut. Dr. Mahnensmith specializes in Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Metabolism, Diabetes, Nutrition, and Urgent Care.
Dr. Rex L. Mahnensmith
Specializes in:
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney Diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Waterbury, Connecticut
  • MD at Yale School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Five Life Habits That Make A Difference For Health and Survival

Habitual tobacco use, irregular and insufficient exercise, regular intake of alcoholic beverages above a minimal amount, being overweight for one's height, and sleeping less than 7 hours per day are linked to poor health....

Goals for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is defined by elevated blood glucose concentrations.  Blood glucose concentrations should reside below 100 mg/dL during fasting time periods. Biologic Normal...

Knowing All About Sugar Essential for Life but Potentially Unhealthy Part 1 of the Diabetic Story

Sugar is the familiar and common name for sucrose, a naturally occurring substance in nature that is formed in plants from the combination of water absorbed from soil and carbon...

Knowing All About Sugar: ­Blood Vessel and Tissue Injuries Develop When Blood Glucose Concentrations Circulate Above Normal Even For A Short Time:...

Glucose is the essential energy molecule that our body's tissues utilize. Glucose exists in fruits and vegetables and grains, either as a simple sugar or as a structural component...

Knowing All About Sugar: ­Essential for Life but Potentially Unhealthy: Part 1 of the Diabetic Story

Sugar is the familiar and common name for sucrose, a naturally occurring substance in nature that is formed in plants from the combination of water absorbed from soil and carbon...

Vitamin K2: A Little Known Vitamin That We Now Know Reverses and Prevents Artery Calcification and Promotes Bone Matrix Calcification

A “vitamin” is a nutrient essential for life. We are well-acquainted with most vitamins, such as vitamin A, the B-vitamins, and vitamins C, D, and E. Each has a well-known and...

Why Delve Deeply into Our Daily Nutrition? Because we Become what we Eat!

Why Delve Deeply into Our Daily Nutrition? Because we Become what we Eat!

Our daily food and beverage intake may be a matter of deep thought and careful selection. Or, our daily food and beverage intake may be a matter simply of convenience, routine,...