Sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections are generally caused by sexual contact. The organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases spread from one person to another in blood stream, semen, vaginal or other body fluids.
Sometimes these infections might be transmitted non sexually from mother to infant while pregnancy or through blood transfusions and shared needles.
These infections are transmitted from person who looks perfectly fine and healthy.
Sexually transmitted diseases have a range of signs and symptoms, and sometimes no signs and symptoms are noted. That is the reason these diseases they go unnoticed until complications occur or until the partner is diagnosed.
Signs and symptoms include:
sores or bumps on the genitals in oral cavity or rectal area,
Sexual activity is the mode of transmission from one individual to another. Although it is possible to be infected nonsexual ways during pregnancy, sharing needles.
4 Making a Diagnosis
Making a diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is done by reviewing sexual history and current signs and symptoms.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) caused by bacteria are easier to treat than STIs caused by virus. If a pregnant woman is infected with STI prompt treatment will reduce the risk of child being infected with STI.
Treatment usually contains:
Antibiotics- these drugs often in single dose can cure sexually transmitted infections including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and trichomonas’s. Mostly people are treated for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Once antibiotic treatment is started it is crucial to follow through. And further contact with sexual partner must be avoided until the sores heal completely.
Antiviral drugs- these drugs can reduce the complications of STIs caused by viruses but there will be still a high chance of transmitting the disease. The sooner treatment is started the more effective treatment will be. Partner notification treatment- once detected with STI, the person must inform his/her partner/partners in last few months about this. So that they can prevent this disease.
6 Prevention
There are several partner prevention methods for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which include:
Once diagnosed with STD person should stop sexual contact with his/her partner until the infection completely fades away.
Safe sex- usage of latex condoms and preventing skin to skin contact must be done in order to prevent getting infected with sexually transmitted diseases.
Hygienic standards- healthy and hygienic conditions must be maintained such as regular showers washing genitals with hot soapy water.
Vaccination- early before exposure to sex vaccination is mandatory to prevent infection like viral hepatitis A, hepatitis B.
Male circumcision- studies have proven that male circumcision reduces the risk of being infected with STDs.
7 Alternative and Homeopathic Remedies
Alternative remedies to treat sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are never reliable although there are a number of ways to treat STDs some of the home remedies include:
honey- studies have proven that honey can increase the immunity of a human, garlic potential antibiotic properties of garlic can be used to improve the symptoms of STDs.
Turmeric- an ancient herb that can kill bacteria and hence can be used in treatment of STDs.
8 Lifestyle and Coping
Lifestyle modifications are necessary in order to cope with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
It is a very difficult to digest the truth after being diagnosed with STI. One might feel betrayed or ashamed.
At worst cases STI can cause death and chronic illness even with best care in the world.
Put blame on hold- don’t jump to the conclusion that partner has been unfaithful.
Be candid with health care workers- any experiences shared with healthcare providers are confidential.
9 Risks and Complications
Factors that may increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are:
Having unprotected sex- vaginal or anal penetration by an infected partner without wearing a latex condom significantly increases the risk of getting infected with STD. Oral sex is less risky, but infections can still be transmitted without a latex condom or dental dam. Dental dam a thin square pieces of latex preventing skin to skin contact.
Having sexual contact with multiple partners- the more people involved in sexual activity the higher is the probability to get infected with STD.
Having a history of STIs- past history of a sexually transmitted infection makes it much easier to contract another STI.
Injecting drugs – using infected needles will cause the spread of STD.
Transmission from mother to infant- if mother is infected with STD there is a high chance that child will acquire this infection.
Some of the complications of sexually transmitted diseases include:
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