Inderal is a beta-blocker that slows down the heart rate. Propanolol works by causing changes to the nerve signals in the heart, slowing down very fast or irregular heart rate.
Doctors prescribe Propanolol to treat angina (chest pain), hypertension, arrhythmias (irregular heart rate rhythm) and prevent and treat heart attack.
Propanolol is a prescription drug. Because this brand of Propanolol is administered by injecting it into the veins, you can only have it at the hospital or doctor’s clinic.
Before using Inderal, you must know all about the risks and complications associated with it.
The doctor will consider the following before treating you with Propanolol:
Tell your doctor if you have allergies to drugs such as Propanolol. You also have to tell if you have allergies to food and other substances.
Tell your doctor if you have other health conditions. Propanolol is contraindicated in individuals prone to fainting due to low blood pressure levels, patients with asthma, very slow heart rates or those with very serious heart conditions.
Propanolol may also be contraindicated for conditions such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, hypoglycemia, thyrotoxicosis, Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, and patients who just underwent major surgery.
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding before using Propanolol. Propanolol is an FDA pregnancy category C drug, which means that it may cause harm in unborn babies. Ask your doctor first if it is okay to express breast milk while taking Propanolol.
Note that Propanolol has several drug interactions. Make sure to tell your doctor all the medications you take before using Propanolol. Note that the following drugs interact with Propanolol:
The following medicines may interact with Propanolol. However, these medicines are also important to some patients, so the doctor may change dose or schedule use when you need to take Propanolol:
Propanolol may cause adverse effects when used with tobacco or alcohol. Using tobacco may cause changes to the effects of Propanolol. If you are prescribed with Propanolol, try to quit tobacco. Call your doctor to help you quit.
Alcohol intake may increase levels of Propanolol in the bloodstream. Limit alcohol intake and do not take alcohol concomitantly with Propanolol.
The safety of Propanolol is not established in children (individuals less than 21 years of age).
3 Proper Usage
To use Inderal properly, you must follow all instructions given by your doctor.
This form of Propanolol (Inderal) is administered by infusing it to a vein in your arm. Therefore, you can only have it in the hospital or doctor’s clinic. The doctor will determine the dose based on your condition.
You will be closely monitored during and after administration of Propanolol. The doctor may change your dose based on your response.
Usually, you will be given Propanolol intravenously only for a time, and then switch to an oral form that you can take at home.
4 Precautions To Take
Before using Inderal, there are some precautions you must take.
For intravenous Propanolol, only have it in the hospital or doctor’s clinic where health professionals can monitor your condition. Do not administer intravenous Propanolol by yourself.
Propanolol may reduce your blood pressure levels. You may experience lightheadedness and feelings of about to faint when suddenly getting up from lying down or sitting position. Avoid this by rising up slowly and gradually.
Do not take other medications, over-the-counter medicines, and herbal supplements while having Propanolol without asking your doctor first.
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