
Does My Child Have Chicken Pox?

Does My Child Have Chicken Pox?

The chicken pox virus is dangerous for pregnant women who were not vaccinated or did not undergo this infectious disease before pregnancy. The toxic part of the virus can lead to congenital (inborn) defects in a fetus and in severe cases, even to its death. The causing agent is a virus called varicella-zoster, which is an airborne one and it's really contagious.

Every year four millions people across the country suffer from chicken pox. The distinguishing feature of the chicken pox infection is the specific rash, which reminds blisters after a scald, the fluid inside them is clear they are of “a little pea” size. These numerous blisters cause an unbearable itchiness when they are scratched; the liquid containing the virus comes out while ruining it, and might become a reason for the further spread of the virus. On the place of the ruined blisters little scars may form which later become a cosmetological concern, that`s why it's advisable not to scratch off anything on your face and open part of your body. Moreover, chicken pox can be spread while coughing and sneezing, with little droplets of the mucus thrown from the nose and throat.

The ailment lasts for about 10 days until the last new element of the rash appears on the skin. However, for the following seven days, the affected body still carries the virus, therefore, the individual is still contagious. 

Symptoms of the chicken pox include:

  • Fever
  • A headache of a different intensity; there might be flu-like symptoms
  • Poor appetite or even a complete loss of appetite.
  • The rash begins after three to six days upon the close contact with the infected persons.
  • Stomachache especially in little children with fever and dehydration.
  • Unless the blisters become infected or scratched, the vast majority of them will disappear (heal) within 10-14 days, usually with no scarring.
  • Fatigue (malaise), with irritability in little kids, may be associated with itchiness and dehydration.
  • Chickenpox lasts about 10 days in children and longer in adults.
  • Unbearable itchiness of blisters.

Treatment Options:

The treatment mostly directed at softening the symptoms.

1. You should cut the nails short or make the patient wear gloves to avoid scratching and cutting. 

2. In order to cope with the itchiness, cold compresses with calamine lotion might help.

3. Varicella zoster immune globulin can be prescribed after exposure to chickenpox in order to reduce its severity for those ones who are at high risk of developing certain complications.

4. Acetaminophen can be administered in the case of fever in the accordance with the age, body weight, and severity of the condition.

5. Cool baths are not advisable in kids under 3-years-old, as their central nervous system isn't fully developed.