Parents Plan Fundraiser for Son with Muscular Dystrophy

Coast to Coast Triathlon. Photo Source:
The Realities of Muscular Dystrophy
Fundraisers and How Differences Are Made in Fundraiser Opportunities For Muscular Dystrophy
Every single day, different methods are being employed to assist those with muscular dystrophy. In one recent effort and amazing story of inspiration, a local family from South Lakeland are going coast to coast in a triathlon. Their son, eight-year old Will Taylor, was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy at the young age of just five-years old. As a student at St. Patrick's CE School, Endmoor, young Will is just one example of those affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy and other forms of muscular dystrophy.
Having already raised more than £ 27,000 for those facing this disease, they are just one of the many examples of those dedicated to the cause of assisting in the fight to cure and manage various forms of muscular dystrophy. In this inspiring endeavor, twenty-one solo participants and twelve teams are setting out to take on a 115-mile bike ride all the way from Whitby to Windermere, which will be followed by a mile-long open-water swim in Windermere. Finishing out this trek will be a 26-mile marathon run out to Walney Island. Fundraisers continue to boost and help to advocate for different forms of this condition and the issues that can arise from it.
Volunteering and Getting Involved Within The Muscular Dystrophy Community
Finding ways to assist those that are affected by Muscular Dystrophy is a vital part of helping those who are affected by this muscle-debilitating disease. Better treatment options, more grants into research, donating, further support, public knowledge, volunteering, and fundraiser events are vital. Participating in events could make all the difference for children and adults alike that face the daily struggle of muscular degeneration diseases.
Even assisting in online support groups and attending events could be the difference that an individual is looking for when seeking out ways to assist and help. Specifically related to Duchenne muscular dystrophy, grants and fundraiser events lead to the highest account of funds given to research for this form of muscle-debilitating conditions.
Individuals facing the effects of this disease know the side-effects and trials all too well, but for those looking to volunteer and seeking out ways to help, knowing basic facts is of great importance overall and only assists in giving back to those facing the daily struggle of muscle-debilitating conditions. Getting in touch with local support groups is just one suggestion those with muscle-debilitating conditions could toss out to people looking for different types of volunteer options to help out in the community.
Different Types of Muscular Degeneration
With Duchenne muscular dystrophy, symptoms are present in infancy. Although this is the most common form of muscular dystrophy, it is considered the most severe out of the related conditions. Most of those who are affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy end up wheelchair-bound by the age of 11 years old, some even younger than that. This generally affects boys rather than girls, although most girls and women do not report the typical muscle weakness or any of the general symptoms related to the condition.
Those who are affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy are generally one in 3,500 with males. Those with Becker muscular dystrophy, a lesser form, have a rate of around one in 20,000 males. This form of muscular dystrophy is indeed less aggressive than Duchenne muscular dystrophy overall, although still requires continued research and attention. Issues and symptoms are generally more along the lines of less severe, with symptoms and signs not showing up until later on.
As with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, this type of muscle-debilitating generally affects boys rather than girls. Genetics play a large role in this disease, with the gene on the X chromosome found far more in males. Since males only have one X chromosome, they are far more likely to have the disease. With only one X chromosome, males need to inherit just one copy of this to develop the disease. Those with Duchenne muscular dystrophy lack dystrophin in normal levels. With this, various muscle cells can become leaky, which causes them to swell and explode.
When these cells burst open, they are then replaced with different types of tissue and fat cells. This can lead to painful side effects and increased inflammation, particularly when the tissues are continuing to be replaced with fattier cells. This is an area that researchers continue to study, with fundraiser events and donations making up a large portion of funds for these studies to help children such as Will.
Leading Research In The Muscular Dystrophy Area
Assistance and Facts To Know About Muscular Dystrophy
Although there is no cure for muscular dystrophy, various foods can be of assistance. Those with little information on these muscular degeneration conditions could be lacking information on proper nutrition and food tips, even when checking in with a healthcare professional. It is important to keep a diet that is friendly towards the condition in mind and overall benefits. Proteins are vital for muscle repair and growth, even leading to improvement and regeneration on a smaller level.
This is essential for a proper diet, especially for those who are diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. Opting out of fatty meats and having an intake of lean meats and fish could prove helpful. For those who are opting out of meat or want something different, beans are another excellent source of healthy protein that could improve the life of individuals with various forms and stages of muscular dystrophy in children and adults alike. Although little known by some, green tea is another product that can be helpful for patients facing inflammation and other side effects related to muscular dystrophy and conditions related to muscular degeneration in some forms.
Green tea is full of antioxidants and other outstanding nutrients that have been shown to protect not only against various cancers, but offers benefits to cardiovascular and brain health. Keeping up a healthy intake of water is still suggested as those with muscle-debilitating diseases continue to remain fully aware of. Drinking the amount of water suggested by healthcare professionals can lead to lower levels of inflammation and better hydration.
Lowering levels of oxidative stress can assist with inflammation and slowing down the loss of muscle loss and general usage. Asking for help and different ways to release stress should never be an issue for people with muscular dystrophy and conditions related to muscular dystrophy. There are many ways to get involved, even if efforts cannot be made like the Taylor family. A simple donation or spreading factual information could make the difference. Reaching out to support groups and online communities will offer plenty of resources and ways to relate with those facing similar situations.
As with all conditions and illnesses, keeping up with the latest information and learning symptoms is just part of daily management when finding ways to lessen the side effects of muscle-debilitating diseases. Several forms still exist and fundraiser money is always needed for further studies into various forms of muscular-degeneration diseases. From the first symptoms to later stages, individuals and foundations are continuing to make improvements and leads into the field. Although no cure currently exist for many of these conditions, improved scientific knowledge and leads into research provide hope for millions facing these conditions, especially people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.