Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

A week ago my friend said he wasn’t feeling well?

On Tuesday morning he blacked out going to the bathroom at 5:40 am hit the left side of his head. When he went to bathroom he had some bleeding in his stool the third time was all blood so Tuesday evening I took him to a VA hospital they kept him over night and released him Wednesday eve. They tested him for COVID and came back positive. I brought him home and he is so weak trying to keep him drinking and little food the bleeding did stop. On Thursday his stools had black in them, they are now normal. He continues to say his stomach is hot burning like. He is weak only gets up to use the bathroom. He gets light-headed and has passed out a couple more times at 2:30 am Friday morning he fell backwards blacked out Sunday 5:45 pm on shower chair blacked out. Now he is getting congested, coughing some small stuff up light brownish. Should he go to a local hospital? Will they take him with COVID? Or is this symptoms of COVID. He’s 68 normally very active works a job. What should I do?

Male | 68 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days

2 Answers

Seious symptoms, especially the blacking out. Could be low hemoglobin, but a cardiac background should be ruled out. I suggest you take him to the ER at the local hospital and let the attending physician do a work up. Check and see what their COVID policy is first.
I suggest that you notify the VA of his continuing and worsening problems and also that he has covid-19. I do not know where you are or where the VA hospital that he uses is located, but large VA hospitals are better equipped to handle emergency patients who happen to have covid-19 too. If they feel the local hospital is better for him, then go there.
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