Counselor/Therapist | Professional Questions Psychologist


I am a 16 year old female and recently my parents and counselor have been thinking I might have ADHD. I've been doing some research and I relate to a lot of the symptoms but there are some things I'm confused about. First, I'm supposed to have experienced these symptoms before the age of 12, but a lot of my memories before then have been repressed and I'm not sure what's true and what's real about them anymore. Also, the symptoms needed to have caused major issues in daily life, and I'm not exactly sure what counts as major issues. I need some clarification on what that means. Thank you and God bless.

Female | 16 years old

2 Answers

First go to this link and take Dr. Amen's ADD screening assessment
Based on the results, suggest getting his book Healing ADD. If you are having trouble with dealing with school, socialization, working part-time jobs such that your family/social/educational/occupational areas are impaired that constitutes major issues in life.
Try not to identify behind a diagnosis. As for the anxiety, it is fairly common during our challenging world health crisis also triggered when one’s mental health is observed. I suggest you look up on the internet OCD and ADHD and see if you think you might fit those symptoms. If so, you will know if you agree and move in a direction best fitted for you.