Abdominal Surgeon Questions Abdominal Surgeon

Abdominal pain?

I have pain near my belly button, it's sharp and crampy. It hurts and causes a lot of flatulence. I went to ER and it said it was chronic pain and to take Tylenol.

Female | 51 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Conditions: Lupus

4 Answers

Consult GI, this can be a hernia.
I cannot venture a guess as to the cause without more detail. Don't go to the ER for this. The ER docs do not have the expertise to diagnose non-emergent abdominal pain. See a gastroenterologist for a proper diagnosis.
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Aches and pain in that location is most often small bowel source. In some persons, appendix pain shows up first in the periumbilical zone and then localizes to the right lower abdominal quadrant. Simply your diet for 3-5 days. Mostly fluids. Keep watch over symptoms and location.
Well, chronic pain does not cause flatulence. This could be a small hernia or it could be from adhesions if you have had prior abdominal surgery. You should be seen by your primary doctor and have them evaluate it, or maybe a gastroenterologist.