Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

About HIV transmission?

I was washing my hands at my college washroom. Then only I noticed there is a cotton ball with bloodstains on it. Some water from the tap fell on it and splashed over me. Will it give me HIV if it is infected blood?

3 Answers

No, I assume that you washed your hands immediately. HIV can be transmitted by sexual intercourse and by contaminated blood but not the way you described it. Usually spreads from body fluids of an infected person, including blood, semen, breast milk, and vaginal fluids. It isn't spread from kisses, hugs, or sharing food. Most people who get HIV are through Ana or vaginal sex, or sharing needle, other drug injection equipment (drug cooker). Now a days contracting HIV is very low, less than 1%. Thank you.
No. You are at no risk of catching HIV from what you described.
Wish you good health!
Probably not. Did you have a cut on your hand? If concerned, get tested in approximately 3 months.