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Acid Inflammation after eating lunch (burning in food pipe)?

I am 29 years old and I'm facing an issue of acid inflation (burning in food pipe) after taking lunch. Sometimes it gets worse even I'm unable to eat my lunch. For temporary relief, I'm taking Risek 40Mg capsule before breakfast and I am able to eat lunch and dinner but Risek is not a permanent solution or it's also not good for me to take this medicine regularly so please suggest treatment or medication for permanent relief.

Male | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 3 Months
Medications: Risek 40Mg
Conditions: Normal

1 Answer

If you cannot control acid reflux with diet change and weight loss, then the only way to control it is with pills like Risek, or with surgery to tighten the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. Often, an EGD is done to see if you have a hiatal hernia, which makes reflux happen more and may also need surgical repair. In general, Risek and similar pills are quite safe, even long-term.
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