Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Always hungry?

For example, I eat a meal, and about half an hour later, it feels like I have not eaten at all. So I end up eating more so forth and so on. I want this to stop.

Male | 66 years old
Complaint duration: months
Medications: none
Conditions: over weight

3 Answers

One possibility is prediabetes or early diabetes with slow uptake of glucose. Thus your tissues are underfed while glucose circulates in your blood. Testing is important for this. A second possibility is leaky bowel. If your colon is sluggish, then lectins get absorbed. Lectins interfere with natural appetite regulators. This requires colon cleansing and diet changes and then regular full bowel evacuation daily plus healthy prebiotic and probiotic supplements.

This is a psychological problem and a psychologist has to be consulted.
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Being hungry by itself is not a sign of pathology. Maybe you have some discomfort that is relieved by eating? I would need to go into great detail about your symptoms and medical history to try to find an explanation for what you are describing.