Dermatologist Questions Allergist-Immunologist

Amoxicillin rash?

I took amoxicillin for an ear infection for five days and developed a rash, that was on December 20th. I still have the rash and it’s slowly spreading up my arms. What should I do I’ve been taking Benadryl and using hydrocortisone cream and it soothes the itch but it won’t go away?

Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 15 days
Medications: Amoxicillin
Conditions: Rash

4 Answers

Possible some allergy, recommend visit your primary provider for evaluation.
It could be herpes zoster.
Are you sure it's from amoxicillin as that rash should have cleared by now? You should get the rest checked By a doctor.
Stop Amoxicillin
Cont current meds
Tincture of time