“Are cavities possible in baby teeth?”
Is it possible for a child with baby teeth to get a cavity? If so, how is it handled?
18 Answers
Yes, absolutely, and it is one of the most common preventable bacterial infections and, if not fixed, I would consider neglectful. If your kid had an infection in any other part of the body, parents would fix it, but for some reason, they think, why fix the infection if it's going to fall out one day? People who think this way are letting the bacteria get into their kid's bloodstream and setting them up for possible abscesses and pain and decreased nutrition, etc. Cavities in the primary dentition should be fixed and the child should then have a healthy start to their digestive tract, their mouth.
Baby teeth have a thinner protective layer of enamel and are more prone to getting cavities. These would be treated the same as cavities in adult teeth - with fillings and in extreme cases with tooth removal.
Yes, absolutely. Any teeth, baby, adult or even pet teeth are susceptible to cavities! If you feel as if your child has a cavity, bring them in to either your Pediatric Dentist or a General Dentist!
Yes, it is possible. Sorry to say it, it is mostly a problem due to parents being to sweet...or supporting too soon sugar consumption. Kids shall not receive sugar or sugary things in the milk or tea and not having sirop or sweetened drinks during the night. It is recommended just normal tea, water, milk. Kids don’t recognize tastes until later, so giving them sugar is just going to provoke an addiction to that too soon. Another possibility is a genetic problem of the back teeth mostly or a too early consumption of penicillins-antibiotic of the kid or mother during pregnancy which affects the buds of the teeth. A pediatric dentist must check and keep the kid under supervision.
This is possible and quite common. Treatment depends on the size of the cavity but it is treated through fillings, pulpotomy with stainless steel crowns, extraction and space maintenance. To prevent this it is important to maintain appropriate oral hygiene and recall care with your child at their respective dentist.
Baby teeth can have cavities if the baby has prolonged exposure to sugars. Example would be coke or other high sugar content foods placed in the baby bottle. The other possibility is cavity causing bacteria being transferred from mother to child. Example would be the spoon that is being used transferring the cavity causing bacteria from the mothers saliva to the child. Best way for prevention is to not to use the same spoon in mothers mouth and then place in the child. Never put high sugar containing liquids in the baby's bottle.
Yes, children can get cavities in baby teeth. The same thing that causes cavities in adult teeth can cause the problem in baby teeth. Proper care, such as brushing and flossing, and limitation of sweets, including fruit juices and sports drinks will help. Cavities are caused by the bacteria that are in plaque and they feed off of sugar and create acid which eats away at the enamel.
Absolutely. The most important thing towards any individuals better dental health is the early onset of proper dental care throughout life. This starts with proper nutrition before the baby teeth erupt and proper dental checkups Twice a year that continue throughout life. The attitude of not restoring decayed primary teeth at infancy lead to arch length descepencies in the permanent dentition resulting in very expensive orthodontic treatment.
Cavities are possible in baby teeth. It is important that children see the dentist twice yearly just as an adult would. As soon as babies get teeth they are at risk for cavities. The key is to limit sugary products and eliminate the baby going to bed with a bottle once they have teeth unless you take the time to clean their teeth after they consume the drying (milk). Please research “baby bottle tooth decay” at your leisure.
Of course, baby teeth can develop cavities, just like adult teeth. Unfortunately, babies are totally cute and adorable and we adults can't help but kiss them. And, therefore, we pass our bacteria on to them. Even worse is when a pacifier drops on the floor and the parent licks off the dirt. The parents' bacteria is now on the pacifier and is passed directly into the baby's waiting mouth. So, if the parent is prone to cavities, now so is the baby. To cut down on the cavities, any time a baby is fed anything, wipe off the gums and teeth with a fingertip or baby toothbrush or washcloth. Do not put the baby to sleep with anything other than water. And if the baby develops a cavity, take the child to your dentist or a children's dentist (pedodontist).
Yes, they do get cavities, and they are handled just like adult teeth. Treated with fillings because the kids need their teeth so that permanent teeth don’t lose their spots.
Yes! Cavities can absolutely happen in baby teeth. Never put your child to bed with a bottle unless there is just water in the bottle. As soon as your child starts developing baby teeth be in the habit of gently brushing them with an infant toothbrush dipped in water. Do not use toothpaste in an infant or child unless you speak with your dentist first.
Yes, it is VERY possible to get cavities on baby teeth. If the cavity is relatively small, a filling can be done. If it remains untreated, it can get bigger and cause pain, infection, and swelling and may need to have the nerve removed from the tooth and a crown placed on it or the tooth may need to be removed. Some people are concerned with having these types of treatments done because “the tooth is going to fall out anyway,” however, it is important to treat these teeth because they won’t “fall out” for a long time, in some cases (children start to lose baby teeth from the ages of 5 to about 13 in a specific sequence).
Without question, it is possible for baby teeth to have cavities. Primary dentition serves many purposes. First is function so that the child may chew food and obtain nutrition, second is maintaining space so that there will be room for the adult dentition as the child grows. These primary teeth are as susceptible to dental decay as are adult teeth.