Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Are full dentures more comfortable than partial?

I will get full dentures. Are full dentures more comfortable than partial?

2 Answers

No. With full dentures your food will never taste the same. There's nothing to help hold them in. There's a loss of self confidence worrying about it breaking or being lost. You should not sleep in them. Partials have teeth to help anchor and hold them in place. Now if you are asking about implant supported dentures then you do have anchorage and you do have less tissue coverage so they don't diminish taste as much.
The answer is it depends. It is both a physical and emotional decision to have all your remaining teeth removed/extraction. As long as the dentures are fabricated with the proper border extension, occlusal scheme and vertical dimension, dentures can be comfortable. If you are having teeth removed and the new "immediate" denture inserted the same day, you may be disappointed. Lower dentures are hard to learn to control. Upper dentures usually have some suction when placed. Dental adhesive may be needed to obtain a good to great fit. COntinue to visit your dentist for additional adjustments and chairside and/or lab relines of your new dentures in the future. In the end you may decide to have a few implants placed to help retain and support/stabilize your dentures.