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Are my problems major enough to seek help?

I want to know if something is wrong with me mentally, for almost two years I have had lots of trouble sleeping sometimes because I have horrible intrusive thoughts and these images in my head. It makes me get really bad anxiety. Sometimes it makes me feel the fear of going to bed because I hear noises that I know arent there and make me feel paranoid, almost makes me sometimes see bird-like figures.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

6 Answers

Anything that's causing you worry is concern is major enough to warrant seeking help. Intrusive thoughts and images and hearing noises that you know aren't there would make most people feel paranoid and worried. There are several reasons you could be experiencing these things, ranging from trauma to severe anxiety to psychosis, and while any or all of those might sound scary, they're all very treatable.
Hello-- YES. The answer is that simple.

Major enough was the whole portion that only mattered to me. Sounds like it's time for a sleep study. Very common path to finding out what is causing the hallucinations. Could be insomnia, which is being caused by anxiety or some other treatable and manageable issue like ADHD. Could be narcolepsy and you're micro sleeping, not getting to a proper level on your rem, and dream wake birds can occur. Doesn't have to be only birds..

Seek out a D.O., get a referral to a sleep study clinic and get at it.

You want to not let this kind of thing go on and on. The effect on the brain is more damaging the longer one does not seek out a doctor. If your leg were broken, and it caused a limp, and that limp made you fall a lot, would you just put an ace bandage on it? No.

The brain is physical. The mind then becomes hindered. That in turn hurts other areas of the body. The body in reverse can do the same, again just in reverse. So seek a family medicine Dr and start there.

Good luck!
If an issue is something that is causing distress, it is worth seeking help to alleviate that distress. It sounds like you are wanting and needing support at this time.
Thank you for your question. Intrusive thoughts are part of our normal human experience, however, if they are causing you some kind of disturbance (sleeping, focusing, socially, etc), then I would recommend seeking help from a mental health professional to get some support in coping with them! I hope this helps.
Hello, these symptoms you are experiencing should be assessed by a doctor right away. I treat teens with intrusive thoughts and emerging psychosis by administering a psychological test that helps determine the appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and medication to be given. The test I use for teens is called the MACI-the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory. This helps rule out other possibilities that may be contributing to these symptoms. I would recommend seeking a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist. I work in tandem with psychiatrists by completing the testing and diagnostic evaluation and then refer clients to a psychiatrist for medication. Typically a psychologist or psychiatrist will monitor your symptoms each week to ensure progress and make sure you are on the right track.
Yes, your problems are significant are the cause is unclear.