Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Are panic attacks a symptom of anxiety?

I was diagnosed with anxiety and I get panic attacks. Should I see a doctor?

5 Answers

Panic attack or anxiety attack are extreme form of anxiety. It does not happen always. Practice mindfulness or breathing exercises,
I would recommend you see a doctor. Panic attacks are a symptom of extreme anxiety, and can cause you to feel very distressed. People with panic attacks often feel like they are going to have a heart attack or stroke, and get so concerned they end up going to the ER. Working with a good Doctor and/or therapist can help reduce the frequency and severity of panic attacks, or possibly cause them to stop completely.
Panic attacks are commonly seen with anxiety. There are medical causes for anxiety, and panic attacks, and it is important to make sure the underlying reason for these issues is taken care of. Definitely would be an advantage to see a psychiatrist. Anxiety and panic attacks can often be handled without medication u using various forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure-response prevention protocols, and mindfulness. There are other approaches as well. Medications can greatly help if desired. Most importantly, one should not allow anxiety and panic attacks to decrease their quality of life.
Yes you need to see a psychiatrist.
Panic attacks can be a symptom of anxiety, or they can also be their own separate issue.