Dental Hygienist Questions Orthodontist

Are zirconia crowns durable?

I will get zirconia crowns. Are zirconia crowns durable?

4 Answers

tooth that has fractured, cracked or broken will benefit from a dental crown. Dentist may use zirconia dental crowns as *they are the strongest restoration material available*. Zirconia crowns can last for years and even decades with proper care and routine dental checkups.
Dentists guarantee their crowns until you leave the office. Otherwise you are on your own. A zirconium crown should last for ten to fifteen years at least, and possibly more, providing you take care of your teeth and occlusion, and other factors do not interfere-- such as lack of proper diet, using chaw tobacco, excessive alcohol, high sugar drinks, etc. that may hurt the teeth or the gums or the bone holding the tooth. DENTIST
Zirconia crowns are very durable.  Zirconia crowns were developed for back teeth because of Zirconia's strength.  Hope this helps. Mary Swift DDSDallas Laser