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Back cramps?

Yesterday morning I woke up feeling a bit queasy and like I had to poop really bad I ended using the bathroom and vomiting at the same time after that I caught a bad cramp in my back. It’s just been sitting there for about two days now it kind of hurts to move it’s in my lower back almost at my butt area and the pain is now running down. My leg it’s like it’s pinching and an ache but not like a menstrual type of cramp though it was more stabbing at first and it’s only on the right side.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 2

3 Answers


It sounds like you have a disc bulge or a herniated disc.
This sounds like a spinal issue, not a GI problem. You need a proper back exam followed by an X-ray to see if you have a spinal or disc problem.
You probably have a condition called sacroiliitis. It is easily addressed and if it persists, you will want to see an interventional pain physician to treat it. Most likely it will resolve untreated at your age. Ibuprofen 200mg 3-4 times a day should help if needed.

Klee Bethel