Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

I'm anxious about my liver?

I was a past drinker and now I'm sober for 11 months. I want to know how accurate is Fibroscan? The ultrasound said slightly increased hepatic echogenicity possibly early fatty liver or normal variant said the person who read ultrasound Fibroscan was 271 and 4.1 MRI did not show anything but simple cyst on left lobe. Blood ast and alt normal but ast is higher than alt I worry ppl say it’s cirrhosis my ast is 16 alt is 12. My WBC is slightly low always to back to normal always but is 5 is this low or indicative of cirrhosis? I bruise easily too.

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: Upper right quadrant pain 11 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Gastritis possible IBS

1 Answer

The fibroscan does not show cirrhosis but the best test is a liver biopsy. Your doctors can decide if a biopsy is necessary vs. following with other testing such as repeat fibroscans.