Internal Medicine Questions Internal Medicine

Bad reaction?

I was diagnosed with bronchial pneumonia, and the doctor gave me three medications. The first was amoxicillin with potassium clavulanate 625 mg 2x a day. Cough syrup (Bro-zedex) each 10 ml contains terbutaline sulphate -2.5 mg, bromhexine hydrochloride 8 mg, guaiphenesin 100 mg. The last is Salbutamol 4 mg. After I took all three at once, my heart started beating very fast at night. I was also shaking as well, my heartbeat was 100 and over, it wouldn't stop until the morning.

Female, 27, 5'9.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: none except vitamin c
Conditions: none

2 Answers

Reactions to med
This reaction (tachycardia--fast heart rate) is most likely related to SALBUTAMOL. This drug is a bronchodilator used for ASTHMA or BRONCHOSPASM. However, if you are NOT having significant shortness of breath or wheezing, then you probably don't need it and I suggest stopping it or reducing the dose (though I suggest talking with your doctor as there may be issues about your case that I am unaware of).