Surgeon Questions surgeon

Do you stay overnight for a colon biopsy?

I will have a colon biopsy. Do you stay overnight for a colon biopsy?

8 Answers

An simple uncomplicated colon biopsy should be an outpatient procedure in a patient with a virgin abdomen.
No, colonoscopy is usually done as an outpatient procedure. There is no need for an overnight stay in the hospital. They will put you to sleep by giving you sedation. You will be put under deep sedation to general anesthesia. Immediately after the procedure they will take you to the recovery room until you are completely awake. Make sure you have someone will drive you back home. Thank you.
No. Hospital stay is not needed for a colon biopsy.
Most colon biopsies are done during colonoscopy and usually go home same day.
No, a colonoscopy is an Outpatient procedure.
No, that is an outpatient procedure.
It depends on comorbidities.
No, this is usually a same day procedure.