Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Bleeding ears?

I’ve had a head cold for just over a week now. It started with sinuses and got so bad that my face literally hurt. It almost felt like I had a toothache. I’ve been taking excedrin extra strength zicam and my ibex along with a bunch of different vitamins lots of water and hot tea. Since all of that about two nights ago the pressure moved into my ear. Not painful at first while building in pain and pressure thought out the day. It finally started leaking something last night and it was extremely painful. It leaked throughout the night and is still leaking at this very moment. There is blood in it. Last night I had purchased ear pain drops and put one drop in although the recommended dose was 3-4. I also got nasal spray and did use on both side 3-4 squirts as recommended. What now?

Female | 30 years old
Conditions: Na

4 Answers

Get your ear examined by an ear nose and throat doctor.
This is outside of my scope of expertise. If it's an option for you, I'd recommend that you go see a primary care and/or an Ear, Nose and Throat physician as soon as possible.

Strongly recommend you visit an ENT Specialist as the ear and sinus infection need to be treated aggressively.
Thank you.

Dr. D
Please call for an appointment with an ENT. It’s possible that the eardrum perforated and they will need to help you clear that up. In the meantime, keep the ear dry and put nothing in it until the specialist can take a look! Best of luck!