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Melissa Kristelle Fling, AU.D.


Dr. Melissa Fling Au.D. is a top audiologist that practices at Advantage ENT and Audiology in Arvada and Westminster, Colorado. She specializes in diagnosing and treating hearing and vestibular/balance disorders.
9 years Experience
Melissa Kristelle Fling, AU.D.
  • Arvada, Co
  • Central Michigan University
  • Accepting new patients

Should I worry if my 3-year-old isn't talking?

Speech and language start developing immediately after birth, and by one year, there usually is a word or two. There are many things that affect speech and language development. READ MORE
Speech and language start developing immediately after birth, and by one year, there usually is a word or two. There are many things that affect speech and language development. One of them is hearing. I would recommend telling your pediatrician about this. You should see an audiologist to have his/her hearing tested and go from there. 

Can children's weak hearing improve?

It depends on the cause. If you can, best thing to do would be to go to a children's hospital or pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT physician/audiologist to have her hearing evaluated. Sent READ MORE
It depends on the cause. If you can, best thing to do would be to go to a children's hospital or pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT physician/audiologist to have her hearing evaluated. Sent from my Galaxy

Can’t hear on left side?

The wax may have shifted after flushing and made that ear feel plugged. I would get some Debrox drops and do maybe 2 more courses of drops with flushing. If that doesn't get it READ MORE
The wax may have shifted after flushing and made that ear feel plugged. I would get some Debrox drops and do maybe 2 more courses of drops with flushing. If that doesn't get it out, you may have to go to an Ear, Nose, and Throat physician to get it all. 

Ear pressure?

Can you go see your primary care? I'd start there and/or go see an audiologist for a hearing exam. 

Ringing in left ear?

Anything you can think of that triggered it (i.e. noise, medicine, etc)? Are you noticing hearing loss, dizziness or ear fullness with it? You could wait it out for a day or two READ MORE
Anything you can think of that triggered it (i.e. noise, medicine, etc)? Are you noticing hearing loss, dizziness or ear fullness with it? You could wait it out for a day or two to see if it goes away or you could go see an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) physician. To get in right away, you can tell them you've had sudden onset tinnitus in one ear and they'll usually prioritize you otherwise they may be booked out days or weeks.

Ear problem?

It sounds like the Eustachian tube on one or both sides is getting stuck closed and causing negative pressure in the middle ear. If it persists, I'd go see a general practitioner READ MORE
It sounds like the Eustachian tube on one or both sides is getting stuck closed and causing negative pressure in the middle ear. If it persists, I'd go see a general practitioner and/or ENT physician. 

Foreign object in the ear canal?

Get a referral to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor to double check the ear. 

Do I have tinnitus?

I recommend seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat physician and audiologist fir a hearing exam. The buzzing is tinnitus, which may be a symptom of damage to your hearing from listening READ MORE
I recommend seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat physician and audiologist fir a hearing exam. The buzzing is tinnitus, which may be a symptom of damage to your hearing from listening too loud through earbuds or it may be unrelated. You can listen through earbuds, but don't set the volume so high. Usually on phones, there is a color change in volume scale when you go from a safe volume to a dangerous one. Keep that in mind. 

Popping ears?

This is outside of my expertise, but you could try an over-the-counter anti-histamine or anti-mucus (i.e., Mucinex) and see if that relieves it.

My ear is leaking blood badly?

Sorry for the late response. I suspect you have an eardrum perforation. It may heal on its own, but it would still be good to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat physician. 

How can I improve my child's speech?

I would start by speaking with the pediatrician if you have one. They may refer your child to have a hearing evaluation and a speech/language evaluation. 

What causes a child to have speech problems?

There are many causes, and it may not be just one cause. Do you have a pediatrician that you check in with regularly? If so, I would start by letting the pediatrician know. They READ MORE
There are many causes, and it may not be just one cause. Do you have a pediatrician that you check in with regularly? If so, I would start by letting the pediatrician know. They may refer for a hearing and speech/language evaluation, among other things, to determine cause(s).
Hope that helps! Best wishes. 

I have ear pain for 2 weeks?

Can you go see an Ear, Nose and Throat? That's what I'd suggest, or at least a primary care/general practitioner. 

Bleeding ears?

This is outside of my scope of expertise. If it's an option for you, I'd recommend that you go see a primary care and/or an Ear, Nose and Throat physician as soon as possible.

When should a child get speech therapy?

That is outside of my area of expertise; however, if there are noticeable delays, hearing and speech/language evaluations as soon as possible. An audiologist would do the hearing READ MORE
That is outside of my area of expertise; however, if there are noticeable delays, hearing and speech/language evaluations as soon as possible. An audiologist would do the hearing evaluation, preferably a pediatric audiologist and a speech-language pathologist would do the speech/language evaluation. 

How can psychologists help with speech problems?

Hearing and speech/language should be evaluated by an audiologist and speech-language pathologist. 

Ear wax impacted?

Alternatively, if you're uncomfortable with seeing that ENT again, you can see another. It's hard to know exactly what's going on without seeing your ear, but either way, if the READ MORE
Alternatively, if you're uncomfortable with seeing that ENT again, you can see another. It's hard to know exactly what's going on without seeing your ear, but either way, if the impacted wax is still in there, that needs to come out. Also, I just want to disclose that I'm not a physician, whereas the ENT is. 

Ruptured eardrum?

Yes, it's possible. Can you go see your doctor to have it examined?

Ringing ears?

That would be a better question for a physician. You can give it a couple days to see if it clears, and if not, you can see a primary care physician. 

How do you relax TMJ muscles?

Well, that is outside of my realm of expertise; however, I clench my teeth while sleeping and sometimes I wake up with very tight, sore jaw muscles. My dentist recommended massage READ MORE
Well, that is outside of my realm of expertise; however, I clench my teeth while sleeping and sometimes I wake up with very tight, sore jaw muscles. My dentist recommended massage therapy on my jaw muscles to prevent TMJ dysfunction.