Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Borderline Personality Disorder?

I am not diagnosed with BPD, however the disorder has been brought up as a possibility by multiple therapists and psychiatrists. At the time I was 17, therefore could not be diagnosed. Through my research of the disorder, the distorted self image trait seems to always talk about change of goals, values, etc. I was wondering if change in view of ones physical appearance could be pinned on BPD. Some days I will look in the mirror and think I’m extremely attractive and see nothing wrong, but the very next day I might break down in tears looking in a mirror thinking I’m hideously ugly and should not show my face. It’s two extremes and hardly ever anywhere in between. Could BPD be something that would explain this happening. Also, now that I am 18, I’d like to get more analysis and possibly a diagnosis if this is a disorder I have. What professional would I go to if I wanted to get this tested? It’s something I’m almost convinced I have, and getting confirmation in either direction would be very relieving.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 2-3 years
Medications: Zoloft (175 mg), birth control, inhaler
Conditions: Depression, anxiety, asthma

3 Answers

Even though it’s difficult to make an opinion based on this brief description, it is very much possible that you may have been developing this disorder. I would recommend seeing a psychologist to confirm the diagnosis and also to get psychotherapy if you do have this disorder.


It is wonderful that you want to know! Knowledge is the first step in getting help! It would be best if you can search out an experienced clinician for an evaluation. Sometimes the best place to find a good referral is an academic hospital – for example, in the Boston area where I am, I would ask someone in the Department of Psychiatry at Beth Israel or Mass General. It might take as little as one session, or as much as three sessions, but you will get the answer you need, and perhaps a referral to a person who will be a good match for you.
Good luck to you!


Dr. Marian K. Shapiro
Check this out for some clues as to your question:
See an MH professional experienced in Cluster B personality disorders, psychologist, psychiatrist, MHC, MSW.