Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Bowel movements?

I have had very dark tarry bowel movements for 2 months. I am currently taking Cepro and Flagyl but nothing has changed. I was diagnosed with colitis a week ago. But nothing has improved.

Female | 27 years old
Conditions: Colitus, diabetes, chorris

2 Answers

Tarry stool represents an upper GI source of bleeding you may need an endoscopy.
A lot to unpack here, but hard to give specific advice without knowing all of the details. Black stools can mean intestinal bleeding, so if you are anemic then a source for bleeding should be sought (e.g. by a GI doctor). When you say you were diagnosed with "colitis", this can mean many different things or it may be a wrong diagnosis. If it was infectious colitis, then antibiotics would tend to help, but other types of colitis would not respond to antibiotics. If you're not doing better then you need to see a physician again to make sure that the diagnosis is correct.