Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

COVID-19 Rapid Test vs PCR Test?

I started showing signs of COVID-19 (headache, body aches, chills, fever, sore throat, and stuffy nose) so I got a rapid and PCR test. The rapid said I was positive but when I got the PCR results back, it said negative. So do I have COVID or not?

Male | 15 years old

5 Answers

Yes, it seems like you do, both tests can be negative depending on when you test. I would recommend repeating the PCR test to confirm or just waiting the stipulated quarantine time.
Possibly you did not give a timeline.
It's negative, PCR is a better test than home antigen.
Thanks for the question. You do have it. The specimen has to be properly collected, and the PCR takes several days to turn positive. If you repeat it properly now, it should be confirmed.
Sometimes rapid tests can be false positive but PCR test is more sensitive. Also, it depends if you have COVID symptoms or not. If symptoms isolate for 5 days.