Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I brush my teeth after a filling?

I am a 36 year old female. I want to know if I can brush my teeth after a filling?

9 Answers

Preferably after 12 hours.
It all depends on the filling that was done. If it was a permanent resin composite white filling, then yes.
Usually yes. Depending on the type of filling placed, you shoild be able to brush after filling is set and anesthetic has worn off unless advised otherwise by the dentist who placed the filling
Yes you can
Yes! Just be careful if you are still numb, you don't want to scrub your gums, especially if you cannot feel what you are doing. Occasionally, gums can feel irritated after a filling. Keeping your mouth very clean helps everything heal faster. Brush (and floss).
Yes, you can, just avoid extreme temperatures in the area for about 24 hours.
Hope that helped.

With gratitude,

Sheena Bhatia, DDS
I believe you should be able to brush your teeth after a filling, although you should check with the dentist who did it as I do not know what kind of filling was done. If it is a temporary filling, then you should be careful.
Yes. Definitely, the filling is fully set before you sit up.