Dental Hygienist Questions Endodontist

Can I get a filling on a root canal?

I will have a root canal procedure. Can I get a filling on a root canal?

4 Answers

Sometimes. Back teeth (Molars and Premolars) should be crowned as they experience a lot of stress chewing food. Front teeth which had large fillings and decay should also be crowned as they are very weak. If the front tooth had no decay of fillings and just died from being hit, without a fracture, then it is possible to just fill it, depending on how big the opening is to the canal. I would suggest you as your dentist for your tooth as there is no way to make a determination without seeing it. Good Luck.
Yes and that's often the recommended treatment for an anterior tooth with a small root canal access. But molars and other posterior teeth usually require a crown. Get Outlook for iOS<>
After Root canal, it is very important to have permanent filling and a crown. Otherwise, tooth will likely to be fractured.
Yes, a root canal treated tooth can get a filling. Teeth in the back if the mouth that have been root canal treated normally need crowns to prevent them from fracturing. =20