Dentist Questions Dentist

Why do my teeth smell bad when I floss?

I am a 28 year old male. I want to know why do my back teeth smell when I floss?

9 Answers

The odor is from the bacteria growing between the teeth when food is present. If you delay flossing longer than 12-24 hours after eating, the bacteria produce a byproduct/waste (like all living things do after feeding) sulfur/acid that gives bad odor.
This might be a sign of a periodontal disease or infection. Many reasons can affect this. In-person dental exam usually recommended to identify the reason.
Because there is bacteria and food particles still there causing it. Floss each day or even a couple of times a day and eventually this will get better. When you no longer have that smell, you are cleaning everything properly.
The smell usually comes from byproducts produced by bacteria that are between your teeth and food that may be wedged in your teeth
Most likely you have a gum infection and need a dental cleaning to remove the bacteria. Continue flossing every day at least 1x/day until you see a dentist.
When you floss you are removing bacteria from your mouth. Bacteria produce waste called Volatile Sulfer compounds. This is the source of the odor from flossing. So keep flossing daily to prevent gum disease.
The smell in the mouth always depicts a problem. You should seek dental care. Decay and Periodontal disease are a few problems to consider.
Floss gets rid of food and bacteria in between teeth and sometimes the bacteria has a smell.

It smells bad when you floss because there is food and bacteria hanging out there. Go to the dentist for a comprehensive exam. Both decay and periodontal disease are common reasons for the smell.