Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Can I see my girlfriend over a week after having covid-19?

My girlfriend was feeling sick last Wed (the 6th) and tested positive Sat for covid-19. She had symptoms until Monday the 12th. She then got tested again on the 14th (wed of today) with no symptoms and she was negative. Is it okay to go see her now since she hasn't shown any more symptoms since Sunday and tested negative?

Male | 34 years old

2 Answers

To be safe she should self quarantine for at least 10 days following the negative test/resolution of symptoms.
Technically the rule is 10 days for healthcare responders. For anyone else, the rule is 2 negative tests and 14 days. The tests can easily be false negative. Healthcare people have to wear n95s or respirators, sometimes even w positive results bc the we are strained. All hands on deck. Good luck! Wish you and your Girlfriend the best!
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