Dental Hygienist Questions Invisalign

Can I straighten my molar teeth with lingual braces?

I want to straighten my molar teeth. Can I straighten my molar teeth with lingual braces?

7 Answers

Yes, lingual braces are certainly capable of achieving proper alignment of all teeth in the arch form, including molars. Consultation with an orthodontist who offers lingual braces would be necessary to determine if you are a good candidate for lingual braces as some people would be better served with clear aligner like Invisalign or traditional braces.
Lingual braces can be used to straighten molar teeth. They are placed on the backside of your teeth, making them less visible but still effective in addressing misalignment, including issues with molars. It's best to consult with an orthodontist to determine the most suitable treatment for your specific case. Regards, Wael Obeid DDS 527 N.Maclay Ave San Fernando CA,91340 (818)890-2600
Yes, lingual braces is a great tool to correct tooth alignment.
I do not have the expertise to answer this question.
Yes. But you need a specialist Orthodontist in which has the knowledge and expertise in applying orthodontic biomechanics and forces in order to move teeth to its desire position
Yes, you can straighten any teeth with lingual braces.
I hope this helps you on your smile journey!
Dr J and Stellar Smiles Ortho Team