Dr. Jeffrey Weisser, DDS
Dr. Jeffrey Weiser is an Orthodontist practicing in Bryan , Crockett and Lufkin TX. Dr. Weiser specializes in diagnosing and treating dental malalignments and malocclusions. He has done over 4,000 Invisalign cases throughout his 36 year career.
38 years
Dr. Jeffrey Weisser, DDS
- Bryan, TX
- University of Maryland BCDS
- Accepting new patients
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How should I clean my Invisalign?
I use and recommend just a dab of toothpaste, brush and rinse.
Can I use a water flosser with braces?
You can. Just make sure you are effective with it.
Is Invisalign treatment safe?
It is the safest form of orthodontic treatment.
Can braces cause yellow teeth?
Only if your oral hygiene is poor. But you can still see spotting. Poor oral hygiene is the biggest problem I see with braces.
What are the disadvantages of Invisalign treatment?
There aren't any. Just wear the aligners as prescribed. With braces, oral hygiene is difficult. That will result in spotting and staining. With Invisalign, oral hygiene is READ MORE
There aren't any. Just wear the aligners as prescribed. With braces, oral hygiene is difficult. That will result in spotting and staining. With Invisalign, oral hygiene is easy. There are dozens of foods you can't eat. With Invisalign, you can eat whatever you want.
Do teeth stay straight after braces?
Only if you wear your retainers.
Can braces cause cavities?
Yes. If your oral hygiene is poor, yes.
How can I clean my Invisalign?
I use a toothbrush with a little bit of toothpaste.
Does Invisalign cause any discomfort?
Including myself, I have not had any complaints of pain.
Is jaw alignment surgery safe?
Every type of surgery has its risks. But the results are amazing if you go through with it.
How long is the braces treatment?
Depends on the severity of your case.
Does Invisalign have side effects?
None that I have ever encountered.
Can braces fix a gap between front teeth in 1 month?
Given my experience, the answer is no. But it depends on the size of the gap.
Can I chew gum with Invisalign?
You can't chew gum while wearing your aligners.
How can I make my Invisalign work faster?
You can try swapping the aligners out weekly. Just be careful you do not damage the new aligner. If the new aligner doesn't fit, then you have to wear the previous aligner longer. READ MORE
You can try swapping the aligners out weekly. Just be careful you do not damage the new aligner. If the new aligner doesn't fit, then you have to wear the previous aligner longer.
How should I clean my teeth with braces?
Toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss.
Can I use an electric toothbrush with braces?
Yes. I recommend the Waterpik brush/water spray combo device.
Do teeth stay straight after Invisalign?
Only if you wear your retainers.
Will my teeth hurt after getting braces?
They shouldn't. My patients never mention any discomfort. I use light, continuous forces to move teeth.