Dentist Questions Dentist

Can Invisalign cause health problems?

I want to straighten my teeth with Invisalign. Can Invisalign cause health problems?

5 Answers

I am personally wearing Invisalign. I have never heard of any health issues or allergies caused by them. Maintaining mouth and gum health is important.
Not that I know of. The only potential problems I can foresee are: Tooth and gum problems from not cleaning the teeth or appliances properly, or jaw problems from the movement of teeth. Rarely, some patients cannot tolerate having their teeth straightened. This happens when moving the teeth to an "ideal" position can stress the TMJ. Something to be aware of with any orthodontics, but not something to worry about. Invisalign-type braces are usually much more comfortable than regular braces.

Dr. Michael Conrad
Only if you don't keep them clean or have some strange allergy to plastic I guess it's possible but generally no not at all.
Not that I am aware of. Vaping, marijuana, drugs, and alcohol consumption all are major contributors to health problems. 
No. Not an issue.