Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Bunions

Can a bunion be treated without surgery?

My husband has a bunion right alongside his toe. Can it be treated without any surgery?

18 Answers

What can be done to help this condition? Wider shoes are the first step in the treatment process. This will take pressure off of the skin, nerves and bone. If the foot is functioning poorly an orthotic (custom-molded inserts into the shoes) will help. Occasionally medication and physical therapy will be of some benefit.

Will exercises of the toe or wearing of a pad between my toes help? Pulling the big toe away from the second toe and wearing a toe spacer will be of limited benefit in the long term.

Do bunions get worse? Over time the bones in the feet spread out further making a bunion appear larger. It may take months to many years, but they will almost always get worse.

Will I develop arthritis in the area? Over the years the big toe joint will become affected by the separating of the bones in the foot. Cartilage will start to wear thin and some degree of arthritis may develop. It may be mild, causing pain occasionally with movement of the toe or severe, causing pain with every step. The arthritis that may develop is different from the pain directly on the bunion.
Bunion is a complex foot issue. Please consult my office. We do minimal invasive procedure. Which is in office procedure with only local anesthesia with no hardware. And our patient walk on the same day.
Yes, a bunion can be treated without surgery. Changing shoe gear, padding and stretching the shoes you already have are the most common ways.
Treatments without surgery are not typically successful. Wider shoes, padding, orthotics and cortisone injections may be used with varying degrees of success, but surgery is usually the way to "cure" a bunion.
Most of the time, no.
There are non-surgical options to help reduce the painful symptoms of bunion. Just keep in mind, these treatment options won't necessarily reduce the bony prominence on the side of the foot.

He most certainly can protect the bony prominence of the bunion with gel-filled pad or cushion, over the counter. Bunions can occur due to flatfoot. For that, correcting the pronation of the foot via orthotic devices will help with the pain from the bunion.

A good pair of wide toe shoes will often reduce the symptoms from painful bunion. There are some devices you can buy over the counter: toe spacers or bunion splints, which will help stretch the joint which won’t realign your toe permanently, but it should sometimes help reduce the symptoms.
Below is a list of bunion conservative treatments that I recommend:

Custom orthotics– A custom foot orthotic (shoe insert) is a effective tool to minimize the pressure from the bunion
Changing shoes– You might want to change your shoes, especially if you have shoes that squeeze your toes together. Wearing shoes with a wide toe box reduces friction on the bunion.
Padding the bunion– There are special pads made for bunions, but you should consult a podiatrist first, since incorrect usage can worsen the condition.
Icing- To ease your pain, you can try icing your foot to bring down the swelling and inflammation.
Anti-inflammatory medication such as Motrin or Naproxen to decrease pain and inflammation
Cortisone injections (Steroid injections)– Decreases inflammation and often improves motion at the bunion joint
Bunions can be treated conservatively or surgically if conservative options fails
Yes, conservatives treatment for bunion deformities such as toe gel spacer, bunion splint, and custom-made orthotics can reduce the progression of the bunion deformity on the right foot. Please visit a foot and ankle surgeon near your home for further examination and treatment for your husband's right foot.
Very rarely. You will have to use bunion splint all the time to keep your 1st ray aligned. as soon as you take it off, bunion will continue to persist. Usually surgery is the required for symptomatic bunion.
Of course! Conservative treatment is a must, including change of shoe gear, custom molded orthotics, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications including oral and topicals, manipulation, and injections. You don’t have to suffer with pain.
Yes, he can try larger, wider foot gear, massage with creams, ice massage, and over-the-counter NSAIDS as needed for pain.
Depends on how bad it is. Sometimes arch supports and injections will help. Also, choosing appropriate shoes will help.

Thanks for your question. Bunions can be treated conservatively with shoes with a wide toe box, bunion splints, gel pads/sleeves/spacers, OTC orthotics and custom orthotics to name a few options. Unfortunately hallux valgus (bunions) is a biomechanical and structural condition that can not be cured with conservative treatments due to its progressive nature. So with time the bunion can become more pronounced. I do not recommend bunion surgery on patients who do not have pain. I treat each patient on a case by case basis. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact the office. Thanks and God bless.
Conservative treatment for a bunion would consist of changing shoes, orthotics, and reducing pressure as well as oral anti-inflammatory medication.

Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM

Bunion deformities represent truly a misalignment of the great toe joint. This joint is comprised of the proximal phalanx of the great toe and the first metatarsal bone. The deformity is considered principally to be familial in etiology but can be worsened by environmental factors to include activity, trauma and foot wear. As there is progressive misalignment of the joint deterioration or ankylosis of the joint can occur. Unfortunately, this deformity is initially best managed with activity modification, shoe modification and analgesics as required and used judiciously. Much of the advertised bunion splints did not produce any sustainable reduction of deformity. Ultimately, if this deformity impacts your quality of life, then surgical correction is warranted. There are a myriad of different surgeries available based on clinical and radiographic presentation.