“Can a chiropractor help a herniated disc?”
I have a herniated disc. Can a chiropractor help a herniated disc?
5 Answers
depending upon the nature and location of the herniation, a chiropractic can provide a great degree of relief and correction for a herniation. Decompression therapy is a valuable asset in the DC's "toolbox" in addition to chiropractic adjustments and other physical therapeutics.
Hello, No, the body deals with a herniated disc; chiropractic adjustments can help relieve the discomfort associated with a herniated disc, and using ice, heat, steroids, exercises, etc provide additional relief. Scheduling an examination and CMT is you best benefit to achieving the goals you want to achieve. Thank you, Laurence
Absolutely. Herniated discs take a long time to heal. Some really bad herniations may need surgery, but most respond very well to gentle manipulation, decompression and prescribed exercises. Sometimes an epidural injection can help to diminish some of the inflammation. A good Chiropractic Physician can guide you through your options and help. Take care and be well. Dr.Eric Miller- Orland Park, IL
Chiropractors often provide non-invasive treatments that can help manage symptoms associated with a herniated disc. They may use spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and other techniques to alleviate pain and improve function. However, the extent of assistance may vary based on the severity and specific condition of the herniated disc. Consulting a chiropractor can offer personalized guidance tailored to your situation.