Dentist Questions Dentist

Can a dentist stabilize a loose tooth?

I have a loose tooth and worry it will fall out. Can a dentist stabilize a loose tooth?

7 Answers

Yes but if it is loose from periodontal disease this will not solve the problem long term. X-rays will provide the answer.
If a tooth is loose due to acute trauma, splinting is appropriate. If the tooth is loose due to periodontal disease, you are better off extracting now to decrease the damage it will cause to adjacent teeth.
Depending on the cause of tooth mobility (e.g. trauma, periodontal bone loss, root/crown fracture) your dentist, or an oral surgeon, can provide you tooth stabilization options.
Yes, it is possible to stabilize a loose tooth...but the underlying problem needs to be identified.
Yes. They'll perform Dental Splinting, which attaches weak teeth together, turning them into a single unit that is stable and stronger than the teeth by themselves.
In many cases, a loose adult tooth or teeth can be stabilized by attaching them to neighboring teeth through a procedure called splinting. This is usually a temporary procedure lasting a few weeks or months that allows gums to heal and helps the ligaments to strengthen around the tooth.
It depends on what is wrong with the tooth. If it’s a traumatic injury it usually is possible.