Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a neck adjustment help vertigo?

I get vertigo attacks too often. I wonder if a neck adjustment can help vertigo?

12 Answers

A neck adjustment, also known as cervical manipulation, may provide relief for certain cases of vertigo, particularly those related to cervicogenic vertigo. Cervicogenic vertigo is a type of vertigo that originates from issues in the cervical spine (neck).

In cervicogenic vertigo, dysfunction in the neck joints, such as the upper cervical vertebrae, can lead to disturbances in the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining balance and spatial orientation. This dysfunction can result in symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness, and sometimes even headache or neck pain.

Chiropractors trained in treating cervicogenic vertigo can perform specific neck adjustments and manipulations aimed at restoring proper alignment and function of the cervical spine. By addressing any misalignments or restrictions in the neck joints, they can alleviate pressure on the nerves and improve blood flow, which may help relieve the vertigo symptoms associated with cervicogenic vertigo.

It is important to note that not all cases of vertigo are cervicogenic in nature, and the cause of vertigo can vary. Therefore, it is crucial to have a proper diagnosis by a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of your vertigo symptoms before seeking any specific treatment, including neck adjustments.
There is a specific chiropractic technique called Epley maneuver that in most cases can help with vertigo. You would need an exam by your chiropractor to determine if this is the best technique for your vertigo.
Sometimes cervical spine adjustments can help with vertigo. Often Vestibulobasilar movements can help as well. It really depends on what is causing vertigo. Give it a try.
Yes! I treat vertigo patients all the time between adjustments and muscle work in the neck! Sometimes it will take a few visits but usually clears up.
We have found in our practice. The patient responded well to chiropractic
care that have vertigo. Thank you.
Not just any neck adjustment. Consistent, reproducible results are regularly reported by upper cervical specialists. One such, who has become a recognized specialist in Meniere's syndrome, is in Grand Rapids, MI.
Burcon Chiropractic
Vertigo may be present for many different reasons. First and foremost, one should rule out stroke or cardiovascular diseases. Quite often it is a result of BPPV, an inner ear problem that is usually rectified fairly easily with some simple at home exercises/maneuvers. Chiropractors frequently address cervicogenic vertigo, meaning that the cause is coming from the neck (C1-3 typically). I good chiropractor can help differentiate where your vertigo may be coming from; however, you must be forthcoming with your medical history so the doctor knows whether you may have something more serious going on in your vasculature.
Yes, Chiropractic can help with vertigo potentially. Vertigo can have several different causes but a chiropractor can do an assessment to determine if the vertigo is something they can treat, and then treat you if the cause is related to something they can treat you for. If chiropractic was not the right form of treatment for the vertigo you are experiencing, they should be able to refer you to a specialist that could.

There are several causes of vertigo and what you have will depend on how much a chiropractor may be able to help. One cause is called "cervicogenic vertigo". That type will often respond well to manual treatments including chiropractic adjustments to the spine. Another type we see often is Benign paraxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). That will often respond well to a procedure called the Epley Maneuver. An examination and diagnosis would be required to determine what is causing your symptoms.
Hello, sorry you are experiencing vertigo. Yes, chiropractic adjustments and vertigo maneuvers performed and taught to patients help resolve vertigo.
As a rule, vertigo is not high on the list of reasons people visit a chiropractor, however, patients that see Doctor of Chiropractic for neck pain and stiffness or other neuro-musculoskeletal disorders report high instances of relief of vertigo. If you’re suffering from dizziness or balance problems, a 2008 study of the findings of the National Health Interview Survey states that chiropractors can help with vertigo and fall prevention. The following are some of the techniques that are effective:

• Spinal adjustments
• The Epley maneuver
• The Brandt-Daroff Habituation Exercise
• And the Setmont Maneuver

How to do the Brandt-Daroff Habituation Exercise:

• Sit on a flat surface. A bed is preferable. Your feet should be flat on the floor.
• Turn your head all the way to the right and then slowly lay down on your left side without moving your legs and keeping your head turned to the right. Hold for 30 seconds.
• Sit up again and turn your head back to center. Hold for 30 seconds.
• Repeat on the other side, turning your head to the left and lying down on your right side.
• Repeat the steps above five times each session, two or three sessions a day until your vertigo goes away. This may take up to two weeks.