Dentist Questions Dentist

Can a tight retainer damage your teeth?

I am a 17 year old female. I want to know if a tight retainer can damage your teeth?

7 Answers

No, but it can cause damage to the gums.
As long as the retainer was made by a certified Orthodontist and fits correctly, the tightness will not harm your teeth. Your local certified Orthodontic Specialist can help you out with fit. Thanks!

Dr. Colin Gibson

It's possible, but usually unlikely. If you had your braces off, it's important to wear a retainer to keep them from shifting. It's best if you contact your orthodontist for them to check your retainer. Make sure you bring it with you when you see them.
Retainers seldom alter tooth structure. The integrity of the tooth should not in any way be damaged by a retainer. If a retainer is too tight, it may move teeth in the wrong direction and cause crowding. Or fits too loosely, it might allow spacing, but the teeth themselves should not be damaged.
It may if it has metal parts scraping against the teeth. This can be adjusted by your orthodontist.
No, it is holding your space that you finished with when you finished your braces.
If a retainer is a clear aligner tray it should be tight and cannot be adjusted but in time should not be uncomfortable. A hard plastic with a wire bow and wire clasps can be adjusted to be more comfortable but neither one will damage your teeth.