Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Can acupuncture help tight tendons?

I have tight tendons and want relief now. Can acupuncture help tight tendons?

22 Answers

This is not a simple answer. First, your doctor must help you find the potential causes of your tight tendons. It may be due to dehydration or electrolyte imbalance which does not require acupuncture. However, if it’s chronic and caused by an autoimmune disease or hormone imbalance, acupuncture with herbs and working with your primary care MD will be necessary to address the tight tendons. Diagnostic testing will be the first step, in my opinion, to find out potential causes of the tight tendons.
Yes acupuncture can help tight tendon.
Acupuncture is probably one of the best treatments for tight muscles.
many people for example get tight neck and shoulder muscles mostly due to stress. I have treated many people in my 40 years of practice with great results.
There is nothing in the tendons themselves that can contract. Acupuncture can help. loosen the muscles the tendons are attached to in order to reduce the tension on the tendons. If you have had a surgery or something that has shortened and tightened the tendons directly then only time and persistent gentle stretching can help lengthen them.
Yes! Absolutely. A few considerations will determine why you have tight tendons. Acupuncture therapy along with nutritional/herbal supplements will certainly help. Therapeutic exercises will be instructed as well. Not to mention a series of Epsom soaks.
Good afternoon,

1. Received, thank you.
2. Acupuncture does help tight tendons, but tight tendons have 5 different diagnoses. Your best bet is to contact your local acupuncturist and also discuss this question with them.
3. If you shall have any questions, please feel free to call me at (562) 698-3008.


The good news is there are acupuncture points for releasing tight tendons and muscles!
We would want to find out why - are the tissues not getting properly nourished, is it stress related, etc? I would recommend that in order to get at the root cause that you see a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner in your area.

Be well,
Tendons do not have any blood flowing to them. They can be stretched which causes problems and may even detach. Both would require surgery to fix. Since they attach muscles to the bone if they are tight then the issue is probably with the muscle and not the tendon perse. So this question does not make sense as worded. Acupuncture can definitely help the muscles and can help send blood o the tendon area. Modifying the length of a tendon is not something that should be tried since it could cause it to detach.

The other meaning of this question might be that the tendon is stiff, i.e., not flexible. In this case, you might have issues with your liver since it is responsible for lubricating the joints, ligaments, & tendons. You would have to go to an acupuncturist for a diagnosis to determine the underlying cause of the stiffness. It might be diet or many other causes. Once they determine the underlying cause they can treat the issues and make lifestyle suggestions so that the problem goes away.
Absolutely, we see lots of athletes with tightness in tendons and muscles, and acupuncture helps.
Depends what is causing the tightness, but I expect it would help.

Acupuncturists can use various modalities to help alleviate tension of the muscles and tendons. Many times, it would involve not just acupuncture needling, but also incorporating guasha, shonishin, cupping, and/or tuina. It is also important to find the underlying cause of your tight tendons. This can only be done with a medical history and consultation. It may also require several sessions to get full relief as each treatment is cumulative. It's hard to promise instant relief as each patient is unique, but acupuncture can help with consistency.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Acupuncture with massage, and probably herbs, would help you gradually with tight tendons.
yes, and cupping
Yes it can
Yes, when combined with bodywork, it can minimize tension in the tendons.
Yes, acupuncture can help relieve tight tendons.
Yes, acupuncture can help with tight tendons, but it's not a quick fix, go once and you're done thing. Your acupuncturist will have to find and treat the cause of the tightness so that they stay looser.
Acupuncture can help with tight muscles and tendons. How quickly you're going to experience relief is going to depend on a lot of factors and there's not enough information provided here for me to give you a good guess.

Acupuncture treatments are cumulative, so you need to be prepared to attend at least 3 or 4 sessions before you decide whether or not it's working.