Radiologist Questions Radiologist

Can an ultrasound show tendinitis healed?

My wrist tendinitis is getting better after 1 month off of work. My dr ordered an ultrasound. But I can’t get an ultrasound until the end of next month. Can an ultrasound show the healed tendinitis? Patient with a history of tendinitis, will the tendon look different with a healthy tendon or the same in the ultrasound? I just want to know if it is worth it to do the ultrasound.

Male | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Conditions: Tendinitis

1 Answer

Ultrasound won’t show too much in regards to the tendinitis. Maybe a little bit of extra fluid around the tendon. In my opinion, I’m not sure it’s worth the trouble if you are getting better.

Harrison B. Solomon, M.D.
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery

The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics
Montgomery Orthopaedics Division
