Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can antidepressants cause chronic fatigue?

I am an 18 year old female. I want to know if antidepressants can cause chronic fatigue?

3 Answers

Sure they can, but they can also improve fatigue as well.
Great question.
Several things to know first. Not all antidepressants are equal. Many different types, thus side effects differ. In practice for many years and have experienced many patients on various antidepressants complain of increased fatigue. Some patients, this resolves over time, and others, it can lead to a change in medications. However, I have not seen a situation where most of the common antidepressants cause the chronic fatigue syndrome. In my opinion, CFS appears to be either virally mediated or as result of an autoimmune response.
It's not a common side effect, but it is possible. As a general rule, antidepressants are supposed to do the opposite.